The Housing Assistance Grant (HA) Program provides funding to address housing problems of low-and moderate-income persons.
Stage 1: Review Team Analysis- Members of the four-person OCD Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 80 points is obtainable.
*A description of the specific housing problems to be addressed with HA funds - 8 points
*How the problems were identified - 6 points
*How these issues affect LMI persons in the community or region - 10 points
*Past local efforts involving housing projects - 6 points
*A description of the plan proposed to implement the housing project - 8 points
*How emphasis will be placed on a community based approach - 7 points
*Collaborative efforts to be utilized - 7 points
*Summary of the activities and use of HA funds - 8 points
*How overall citizen participation process directly relates to identification of solution strategies and application development - 4 points
*Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points
*Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) on application and project development - 4 points
*Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points
How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 points
Stage 2: Housing Evaluation Factor- Each application will be evaluated in relation to those of similar sized communities and placed in rank order from highest to lowest according to the scores determined by the OCD Review Team. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicant communities will be grouped in population categories per current Maine Municipal Association information as follows: less than 999; 1000 to 2499; 2500 to 4999; 5,000 to 7,499 and 7,500 and greater. Each application will then be assigned a Housing Evaluation Factor based on application attachments and the most recent data available in the seven areas below. A maximum of 20 points is obtainable.
Budget Page Review - 2 points
% which firm cash commitments exceed minimum 10% or 20%
0% - 15% - 0 points
16% - 30% - 1 point
31% - 50% - 2 points
More than 50% - 3 points
% Substandard housing - 3 points
% Households spending > 25% income for housing - 3 points
% Community is over State equalized tax rate - 3 points
% Community LMI - 3 points
% Community population below 150% of poverty - 3 points
Stage 3: Final Application Score- Each application will receive a Final Application Score consisting of adding the average of the remaining three Review Point Totals after dropping the lowest and the Housing Evaluation Factor. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase as funds allow. There is no minimum Final Application Score required for an application to be considered for funding.
The Home Repair Network Program (HRN) provides funding to address housing problems of low- and moderate-income persons by combining CDBG funding with the Maine State Housing Authority and the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Program funding. This program will provide housing rehabilitation services administered on a regional basis throughout Maine, except as stated in 1 (b) below.
The Public Facilities Grant (PF) Program provides gap funding for local public facility activities, which are part of a community development strategy leading to future public and private investments.
Activity Breakdown: Applicants may apply for one or more activities within a specific activity group. Applicants cannot mix activities from different activity groups in an application.
Activity Group Numbers | Maximum Amount |
1) Fire Stations | $300,000 |
2) Community, child, senior, and health centers, libraries sheltered workshops, homeless shelters, pier/wharf | $300,000 |
3) Removal of architectural barriers (as a distinct, stand-alone project) | $100,000 |
4) Historic preservation (as a distinct, stand-alone project) | $100,000 |
5) Fire fighting equipment, salt/sand storage shed transfer station, parks and recreation facilities public works garage, dams | $ 50,000 |
Stage 1: Review Team Analysis- Members of the four-person OCD Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 80 points is obtainable.
*A description of the why the project is necessary - 6 points
*Conditions warranting new construction or renovations, including health and safety concerns- 8 points
*How these conditions affect LMI persons in the community or region - 8 points
*Size and make up of user base of facility - 4 points
*Why PF funds are necessary for project - 4 points
*A description of the new or renovated facility, including size, design factors, alleviation of health and safety factors, utilities and location - 9 points
*Specific use of PF funds - 6 points
*Positive effect on LMI persons - 6 points
*Project timeline, engineering or architectural work completed to date and how PF funds will be expended in a timely manner - 9 points
*How overall citizen participation process directly relates to identification of solution strategies and application development - 4 points
*Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points
*Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) on application and project development - 4 points
Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points
How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 points
Stage 2: Community Evaluation Factor- Each application will be evaluated in relation to those of similar sized communities and placed in rank order from highest to lowest according to the scores determined by the OCD Review Team. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicant communities will be grouped in population categories per current Maine Municipal Association information as follows: less than 999; 1000 to 2499; 2500 to 4999; 5,000 to 7,499 and 7,500 and greater. Each application will then be assigned a Community Evaluation Factor based on the most recent data available in the seven areas below. A maximum of 20 points is obtainable.
Budget Page Review - 2 points
% which firm cash commitments exceed minimum 25%
0% - 15% - 0 points
16% - 30% - 1 point
31% - 50% - 2 points
More than 50% - 3 points
% Substandard housing - 3 points
% Households spending > 25% income for housing - 3 points
% Community is over State equalized tax rate - 3 points
% Community LMI - 3 points
% Community population below 150% of poverty - 3 points
Stage 3: Final Application Score- Each application will receive a Final Application Score consisting of adding the average of the remaining three Review Point Totals after dropping the lowest and the Community Evaluation Factor. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase as funds allow. There is no minimum Final Application Score required for an application to be considered for funding.
The Public Infrastructure Grant (PI) Program provides gap funding for local infrastructure activities, which are part of a community development strategy leading to future public and private investments.
Activity Breakdown: Applicants may apply for one or more activities within a specific activity group. Applicants cannot mix activities from different activity groups in an application.
Activity Group Numbers | Maximum Amount |
1) Water system installation/improvements, sewer system installation/improvements, water/sewer system hookups, storm drainage, utility infrastructure (Road or street reconstruction is not eligible) | $500,000 |
2) Infrastructure in support of new LMI affordable housing | $500,000 |
3) Streets/roads/sidewalks, parking, curbs, gutters | $100,000 |
Stage 1: Review Team Analysis- Members of the four-person OCD Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 80 points is obtainable.
*A description of the why the project is necessary, including health and safety conditions - 8 points
*How the project was prioritized locally, including studies, testing, and citizen concerns - 6 points
*How these conditions affect users, including LMI persons in the community or region - 8 points
*Size and make up of user base and target area of projected infrastructure project - 4 points
*Why PI funds are necessary for project - 4 points
*A description of the new or replacement infrastructure, including size, design factors, alleviation of health and safety factors and location - 8 points
*Specific use of PI funds - 6 points
*Positive effect on users, particularly LMI persons - 6 points
* Project timeline, engineering and design work completed to date and how PI funds will be expended in a timely manner - 10 points
*How overall citizen participation process directly relates to identification of solution strategies and application development - 4 points
*Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points
*Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) on application and project development - 4 points
Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points
How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 points
Stage 2: Community Evaluation Factor- Each application will be evaluated in relation to those of similar sized communities and placed in rank order from highest to lowest according to the scores determined by the OCD Review Team. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicant communities will be grouped in population categories per current Maine Municipal Association information as follows: less than 999; 1000 to 2499; 2500 to 4999; 5,000 to 7,499 and 7,500 and greater. Each application will then be assigned a Community Evaluation Factor based on the most recent data available in the seven areas below. A maximum of 20 points is obtainable.
Budget Page Review - 2 points
% which firm cash commitments exceed minimum 25%
0% - 15% - 0 points
16% - 30% - 1 point
31% - 50% - 2 points
More than 50% - 3 points
% Substandard housing - 3 points
% Households spending > 25% income for housing - 3 points
% Community is over State equalized tax rate - 3 points
% Community LMI - 3 points
% Community population below 150% of poverty - 3 points
Stage 3: Final Application Score- Each application will receive a Final Application Score consisting of adding the average of the remaining three Review Point Totals after dropping the lowest and the Community Evaluation Factor. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase as funds allow. There is no minimum Final Application Score required for an application to be considered for funding.
The Public Service Grant (PSG) Program addresses community resource needs by providing funding for operating expenses, equipment, and program materials for public service programs which will benefit low/moderate income (LMI) persons.
Stage 1: Review Team Analysis- Members of the four-person OCD Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the four scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 100 points is obtainable.
*A description of the scope, magnitude and severity of the identified problems - 8 points
*Past efforts to deal with the identified problems - 4 points
*Conditions requiring a new or expanded service - 5 points
*Issues faced by service providers including capacity, finances and staffing - 6 points
*Why PSG funds are critical for the project - 7 points
*A description of the new or expanded service, specific use of PSG funds, including how this service will resolve identified problems, and why this service will be more effective than existing services for the targeted beneficiaries - 8 points
*How PS funds will be utilized solely to assist LMI persons or a HUD approved Limited Clientele group - 8 points
*Project timeline, including a start date, tasks completed to date and how PSG funds will be expended in a timely manner - 10 points
*Capacity and qualifications of the service provider implementing the project, including familiarity with the needs of project beneficiaries, and the experience of the overall PSG grant administrator - 7 points
*How the public service established or expanded with PSG funding will continue after the PSG funding ends, or there will no longer be a need for these services after the PSG program ends - 7 points
*Budget Page review - 3 points
*Matching Funds Table review - 3 points
*% which all firm commitments exceed minimum 20%
0% - 15% - 0 points
16% - 30% - 2 points
31% - 50% - 3 points
More than 50% - 4 points
*How overall citizen participation process directly relates to identification of solution strategies and application development - 4 points
*Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points
*Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) on application and project development - 4 points
*Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points
*How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 points
Stage 2: Final Application Score- Each application will receive a Final Application Score consisting of the average of the three remaining Review Point Totals after dropping the lowest. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase as funds allow. There is no minimum Final Application Score required for an application to be considered for funding.
The Downtown Revitalization Grant (DR) Program provides funds to communities to implement comprehensive, integrated, and innovative solutions to the problems facing their downtown districts. These community revitalization projects must be part of a strategy that targets downtown service and business districts and will lead to future public and private investment. Qualified applicant communities must have a downtown district meeting the definition of PL 776 enacted by the 119th legislature.
Stage 1: Review Team Analysis- Members of the four-person OCD Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the four scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 100 points is obtainable.
*Scope and magnitude of identified problems; specific infrastructure, resources or programs that are lacking; and how these problems are obstacles for successful revitalization of the downtown area - 8 points
*How the problems are consistent with those identified in the community's Downtown Action Plan - 4 points
*How the problems affect LMI persons or contribute to slum/blight conditions - 6 points
*How the problems negatively impact the local economy and the viability of existing downtown area businesses or new development and expansion - 8 points
*Why DR funds are necessary for project - 4 points
*Specific activities, including location, size and design features to be addressed in this downtown revitalization effort; how these activities address each problem identified; or, if aspects of the Action Plan are identified to be addressed in the future, what are the potential future solutions and possible funding sources - 8 points
*How the proposed activities provide a long-term solution to the identified problems - 6 points
*Specific use of DR funds - 6 points
*Positive effect on LMI persons and/or alleviation of slum/blight conditions - 6 points
* Project timeline; start date; engineering and design work completed to date; involvement of local businesses; who will be implementing the DR project; and how DR funds will be expended in a timely manner - 8 points
*How the DR project will stimulate business in the downtown area and provide for long-term viability - 6 points
*Budget Page review - 3 points
*Matching Funds Table review - 3 points
*% which firm cash commitments exceed minimum 25%
0% - 15% - 0 points
16% - 30% - 2 points
31% - 50% - 3 points
More than 50% - 4 points
*Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points
*Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) and the overall citizen participation process on application and project development - 4 points
*Involvement of downtown and local businesses, Chambers of Commerce, development groups or other business related organizations in identification of problems and development of the application and project - 4 points
*Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points
*How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 points
Stage 2: MaineDowntownCenter Designation Bonus - 3 bonus points will be assigned to each application submitted by a community designated as Main Street Maine Community by the Maine Downtown Center.
Stage 3: Final Application Score- Each application will receive a Final Application Score consisting of adding the average of the three remaining Review Point Totals after dropping the lowest and the Maine Downtown Center Bonus. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase as funds allow. There is no minimum Final application Score required for an application to be considered for funding.
The Community Enterprise Grant (CE) Program provides grant funds to assist in innovative solutions to problems faced by micro-businesses, promote business façade programs and make streetscape improvements in downtown and village areas. Assistance to businesses may be in the form of grants or loans at the discretion of the community.
Activity Group NumbersMaximum Amount
Stage 1: Review Team Analysis- Members of the four-person OCD Review Team will assign a Review Point Total for each application reviewed. Review Point Totals will consist of the sum of the three scoring areas below and be determined by the total of each sub-scoring area. A maximum of 100 points is obtainable.
*Scope and magnitude of identified problems; and how these problems are obstacles for successful revitalization of the village or downtown area - 10 points
* Why CE funds are necessary for the project; why other grant or loan funds are not available locally to assist businesses or local government with their development and site improvement needs - 10 points
*How the problems affect LMI persons and/or contribute to slum/blight conditions - 10 points
*How the problems negatively impact the local economy and the viability of existing downtown or village area businesses or new development and expansion - 10 points
*Specific activities, including location, size and design features to be addressed in this application; specific use of CEG funds - 8 points
*Identification and description of potential business grant/loan applicants and their current needs; or how areas in need of streetscape improvements were identified and prioritized - 6 points
*Project timeline; activities or actions completed to date; capacity and related experience which will enable the applicant to market and conduct a grant/loan program or streetscape improvement effort; and how CEG funds will be expended in a timely manner - 10 points
*How the CEG project will stimulate business in the downtown or village area and provide for long-term viability - 6 points
*Positive impact on LMI persons and/or or alleviation of slum/blight conditions - 6 points
*Budget Page review - 4 points
*Effective use of any media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc) to further public awareness and participation - 4 points
*Relevance of listed meeting/hearing activities/comments (not counting required public hearing) and the overall citizen participation process on application and project development - 4 points
*Involvement of downtown and local businesses, Chambers of Commerce, development groups or other business related organizations in identification of problems and development of the application and project - 4 points
*Involvement of potential LMI project beneficiaries in development of the application and project and how the required public hearing relates to the application development and citizen participation process - 4 points
*How other local resources (cash and in-kind) are directly related to the project and the establishment of a cash value equivalent for all in-kind commitments - 4 points
Stage 2: Final Application Score- Each application will receive a Final Application Score consisting of the average of the three remaining Review Point Totals after dropping the lowest. Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase as funds allow. There is no minimum Final Application Score required for an application to be considered for funding.
The Urgent need Grant (UN) Program provides funding to communities to address serious and immediate threats to health and welfare which are declared state or federal disasters.
Application: An UN application must include the following:
19-498 C.M.R. ch. 34, § 2