The Community Planning Grant (CPG) Program provides funding to communities or community partnerships that have clearly identified a local community or economic development problem and lack the resources to develop a strategy for solving that problem.
Priority for funding will be given to the following categories in the numbers indicated: Public Facilities and Public Infrastructure (5), Housing (5), Economic Development (4), Downtown Revitalization (2), Historic Preservation (2), and Tourism Opportunities (2).
Application: The maximum application length is six pages. The application deadline is March 7, 2003.
Each application will be placed in rank order from highest to lowest according to the scores determined by the scoring team (with 1 being highest and 3 being lowest in each scoring category). Starting at the top of the scoring list, applicants will be invited to proceed to the Project Development Phase.
The Project Development Phase Planning Grant Program enables communities to gather, analyze, and provide information required by the Project Development Phase process.
The Technical Assistance Program provides funds to contract with regional organizations to provide application development, development of alternative funding sources, grant administration, and general program assistance to Maine's communities.
The Office of Community Development will use Technical Assistance funds to: conduct workshops, produce program materials, implement the CDBG Administrator's Certification Training Program, and outreach to communities.
The Special Project Matching Fund (SPMF) provides matching funds to projects that are not funded through the CDBG application process. SPMF funds are used for other OCD grant activities and partnerships that are consistent with the furtherance of community or economic development activities and CDBG National Objectives in the State of Maine. Approval for the use of SPMF funds is through the CDBG Program Director.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 31, § 4