19-498-22 Me. Code R. § 1

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 498-22-1 - Definitions

As used in these rules, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings:

1. Bank:"Bank" shall mean the Maine Municipal Bond Bank.
2. Comprehensive Plan: "Comprehensive Plan" shall mean a plan that is determined by the Executive Department, State Planning Office to be consistent with 30-A MRSA §4326 subsections 1 to 4 and that has been adopted by the municipality.
3. Department: "Department" shall mean the Department of Economic and Community Development.
4. Downtown: "Downtown shall mean the central business district of a community that serves as the center for socioeconomic interaction in the community and is characterized by a cohesive core of commercial and mixed-use buildings, often interspersed with civic, religious and residential buildings and public spaces, typically arranged along a main street and intersecting side streets, walkable and served by public infrastructure; or an area identified as a downtown in a comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to chapter 187, subchapter II.
5. Eligible Applicant: "Eligible Applicant" shall mean a Maine town, city or plantation located on a Maine River as identified in Number 8 below; further to be considered an "Eligible Applicant" the community must have received written approval from the Department that the community's Letter of Intent with attached letter of sponsorship from a State Agency, was received, by the stated due date. Multiple eligible applicants may join together to submit a multi-jurisdictional application providing that each benefitting community is located on a Maine River.
6. Fund: "Fund" shall mean the Riverfront Community Development Bond.
7. Letter of Intent: "Letter of Intent" shall mean a form that is provided by the Department to all potential applicants to the Fund and which must be completed and returned to the Department by the stated due date established by the Panel. All Letters of Intent must comply with § 8(1)(a-c) of this Rule.
8. Maine River: "Maine River" shall mean one of the following Maine recognized rivers as identified in Title 38, Chapter 3, Subchapter 1, Article 4-A, § 467 that are in the river basins listed below having a drainage area greater than 100 square miles: Androscoggin River Basin: Androscoggin River, Little Androscoggin River, Cupsuptic River, Kennebago River, Rapid River, Magalloway River, Bear River, Sabattus River, Webb River, Swift River, Nezinscot River, Wild River; Dennys River Basin; Dennys River; East Machias River Basin; East Machias River; Kennebec RiverBasin: Kennebec River, Carrabassett River, Dead River, Moose River, Sandy River, Sebasticook River; Machias River Basin; Machias River; Medomak River Basin; Medomak River; Mousam River Basin; Mousam River; Narraguagus River Basin; Narraguagus River; Penobscot River Basin: Penobscot River, Seboeis River, Stillwater River, Mattawamkeag River, Piscataquis River, Pleasant River, Passadumkeag River; Pleasant River Basin: Pleasant River;Eastern Little River; Presumpscot River Basin: Presumpscot River, Crooked River; Narraguagus River Basin; Narraguagus River; Royal River Basin; Royal River; Saco River Basin: Saco River, Little Ossipee River, Ossipee River; St. Croix River Basin; St. Croix River; St. George River Basin; St. George River; St. John River Basin: St. John River, Allagash River, Aroostook River, Little Machias River, Little Madawaska River, Machias River, Fish River, Meduxnekeag River, Big Black River; Salmon Falls River Basin; Salmon Falls River; Sheepscot River Basin; Sheepscot River; Union River Basin; Union River. Communities wishing to apply for a project located on a river not listed above must receive permission from DECD prior to the submission of the Letter of Intent.
9. Panel: The "Panel" shall mean the Riverfront Community Development Review Panel, established to evaluate proposals and determine funding under the program. The Panel will consist of:
a. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development or designee;
b. The Commissioner of Conservation or designee;
c. The Director of the State Planning Office within the Executive Department or designee; and
d. Four members of the public, one with expertise in economic and community development, one with expertise in environmental conservation, one with expertise in tourism and ecotourism development and promotion and one with expertise in park and trail design and development. Two of these members are appointed by the President of the Senate and two by the Speaker of the House.
10. Project: The "Project" shall mean the scope of work for which financial assistance is sought by a municipality from the fund as well as all work critical to the completion of the project which is funded by other sources.
11. Project Site: The "Project Site" is the location of the work to be performed with assistance from the Fund or other sources and must always take place on a Maine River.
12. State Agency: "State Agency" shall mean one of the following Maine State Agencies which may sponsor a Riverfront Community Development Bond application for an eligible applicant: Maine Department of Conservation, Maine Department of Agriculture, Maine Department of Economic & Community Development, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Maine Housing, Maine State Planning Office, Maine Department of Transportation, Maine Historic Preservation Commission, Maine Arts Commission and Bureau of General Services. A letter of sponsorship does not influence project merit or need determination.

19-498 C.M.R. ch. 22, § 1