Funds must be used to develop organizational capacity to meet the organization's goals and objectives. Funds cannot be used for business attraction marketing, small business or micro-enterprise technical assistance, or tourism promotion.
Grants will be awarded over a two year period, with 2/3's of the total grant provided in the first year and the remaining 1/3 granted in the second year. Grants must be matched on a one to one basis. Maximum grant award will be $100,000 and minimum grant award will be $50,000. Grants are for operating funds and may not be used to supplant existing funds. Second year funding is contingent upon grantee meeting performance standards. Grantees must submit an annual Report detailing the results of the program to be eligible for the remaining funds. Grantees must submit a Report at the end of the grant period detailing the program outcomes achieved as a result of the grant.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 21, § 3