The Phase II Planning Grant Program enables communities to gather, analyze, and provide information required by the Phase II Project Development process.
The Community Planning Grant (CPG) Program provides funding to communities or community partnerships that have clearly identified a local community or economic development problem and lack the resources to develop a strategy for solving that problem.
Eligible Activities: CPG funds may be used for planning only activities that include studies, analysis, data gathering, preparation of plans and maps, and identification of actions that will implement plans. Engineering, architectural and design costs related to specific activities are not eligible. All applications containing proposed ineligible or non-planning activities will not be considered eligible. The applicant will be notified in writing of the determination made by OCD.
Project Benefit: The proposed activities must meet one of the CDBG Program national objectives of either providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, or removing slum or blighting influences within that community.
Exceptions: Applicants must submit a request for a waiver of this special requirement under the following circumstances:
Priority for funding will be given to the following categories in the numbers indicated: Housing(3), Public Facilities Infrastructure(6), Economic Development(3) and Tourism Opportunities(3).
Phase I Application: The maximum length of an application is six pages. The application deadline is April 11, 1997.
Each application will be rated in relation to all others. A minimum of 70 points from the Problem Statement, Development of Strategy, Citizen Participation and Project Leverage is required for consideration to be invited into Phase II.
The purpose of the Technical Assistance grant program is to provide funds to selected communities that will contract with Regional Councils to provide technical assistance services to themselves and the communities in their region.
Technical assistance services provided will include information about the CDBG program, its applicability for projects within a community and assistance to interested communities in preparing grant applications.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 16, § 4