This section describes the methods by which any funds not distributed, disencumbered funds, additional funds received from HUD, and program income may be redistributed by the State.
Unexpended funds remaining in the grantee's CDBG account at grant closeout, funds remaining in a grantee's award but not drawndown upon grant closeout and funds returned to the DECD because of disallowed costs may be added to any open CDBG contract, used to make additional awards in any 1996 CDBG program or added to the available monies for the 1996 or 1997 competition.
In the case of funds added to open grant(s), redistribution will give priority to grants needing additional CDBG funds in order to complete the activities described in their application to the DECD and secondly to grants for additional activities which meet the State and local community development objectives. In no case will the total of the original grant award and any redistributed funds to that grant, exceed the maximum grant award for that program.
The 1996 CDBG Program Statement and the budgeted distribution of funds for specific set-aside categories is done without complete knowledge of the State's HUD allocation. The Program Statement is being created based upon a projected allocation of $12 million. The final HUD allocation may not be officially announced until January 1996.
In recognition of this situation, the program will distribute 1996 CDBG HUD allocated funds in excess of $12 million, up to $15.15 million, in the following manner:
Funds received will be allocated to budget set-aside programs in the following order. Amounts greater than a whole program, but less than the next program in the order, will be allocated in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above.
Funds in excess of $15.15 million will be distributed in accordance with sections 1, 2 and 3 from page 52.
The OCD may also set-aside additional HUD allocations for State Program Administration, State Technical Assistance, Regional Council Technical Assistance and Phase II Planning Grants.
All staff recommendations regarding redistribution of funds in the 1996 CDBG program will be subject to approval by the Director of the OCD.
As used in this Final Statement, program income means the gross income received by a grantee from any grant-supported activity.
Grantees that desire to retain program income received after the end of their last open CDBG grant, must submit a Program Income Plan as described in Section 5(B)(1)(d) of this Final Statement.
For these purposes, "same activity" shall mean the same business that originally received CDBG assistance.
Loans made from the State RLF must be provided as grants to local governments for loans to businesses and/or developers, must undergo DECD's loan review process, and must meet the 51% low to moderate income benefit threshold.
19- 498 C.M.R. ch. 15, § 5