C.M.R. 16, 227, ch. 5, A Bureau of the Department of Public Safety, PRESERVICE OFFICER TRAINING CERTIFICATION

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

Specification S-7

The following requirements are specified for the certification of Law Enforcement Officers, full and part-time officer graduates from the Pre-service Officer Training School. This portion of training may be waived by completing the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program, Specification 1.

1. Each student shall be required to attend all sessions of the school except absences approved by the school supervisor. No trainees will be certified when his excused absences exceed ten percent of the hours of the instruction time. The Academy Director may excuse attendance when candidate is deemed qualified for a waiver of the Basic Police Course.
2. As a requirement for the successful completion and certification from the Pre-service Officer Training Course each student must have a passing cumulative academic average of 70% at the conclusion of the school. Failure to obtain the required cumulative average will be cause for withholding certification.
3. Each student will be required to successfully complete the Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Course in accordance with the standards of the American Heart Association or American Red Cross.
4. 100 hours of instruction.
5. Upon hire as a law enforcement officer each student shall demonstrate safe and proficient competency in the handling of firearms and must qualify with a department approved service weapon on a course of fire approved by the Director. Documentation of competency and qualification shall be attested to by an Academy Certified Firearms Instructor on a form approved by the Academy prior to certification being issued.

C.M.R. 16, 227, ch. 5, A Bureau of the Department of Public Safety, PRESERVICE OFFICER TRAINING CERTIFICATION