Subsection 222-1-200-75 - SPECIAL MOBILE EQUIPMENT1. INSPECTION A. Special mobile equipment that is required to be registered must be inspected annually. Pieces of special mobile equipment that operate on tracks or exclusively off road are exempt from this requirement.B. Special mobile equipment is subject to a partial inspection. A partial inspection checks for the adequacy of the following;(2) Lights (if originally so equipped)(3) Steering system components(6) Engine and exhaust system(7) Hydraulic and cable controls(8) Any other mechanical parts or body components that may affect the safe operation of such equipment.C. If a piece of special mobile equipment has passed inspection, a Class D inspection sticker shall be issued and shall be placed either in the lower left corner of the windshield or in the center of the windshield behind the rear-view mirror. If the equipment is not normally equipped with a windshield, the inspection sticker shall be kept with the special mobile equipment registration.D. Fee information for Special Mobile Equipment can be obtained in additionally provided material or from the State Police Inspection Unit online.E. A commercial vehicle report, as described in this Chapter is not required for partial inspections of special mobile equipment.2. SPECIAL MOBILE EQUIPMENT OWNERS' OPTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIESA. A special mobile equipment owner may inspect his own special mobile equipment if he owns a licensed fleet inspection station.B. A special mobile equipment owner or a person in his employ must be a certified Inspection Technician to conduct the inspection of special mobile equipment.C. A special mobile equipment owner who does not own a licensed fleet inspection station may have his special mobile equipment inspected at any Class D inspection station by a certified Class D Inspection Technician.D. A special mobile equipment owner may have a certified Class D Inspection Technician come to the owner's place of business or to the place where the special mobile equipment is located to conduct the inspection. C.M.R. 16, 222, ch. 1, § 222-1-200, subsec. 222-1-200-75