16- 219 C.M.R. ch. 34, § 2

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 219-34-2

This rule incorporates by reference NFPA # 30A, 2008 Edition, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages. Copies of this standard are available through the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

1. The following table and section(s) in NFPA #30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages Standards for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, 2008 edition shall not be included in this rule:
A. Table Tanks shall be located in accordance with Table references to it shall be replaced with a reference to "Table State of Maine Minimum Separation Requirements for Aboveground Tanks" (see table in Appendix B).
B. Section 6.3.8At unattended self-serve motor fuel dispensing facilities, coin- and currency-type devices shall only be permitted with the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.
C. Section 6.7.2At unattended motor fuel dispensing facilities, the devices or disconnects shall be readily accessible to patrons and at least one device or disconnect shall be readily accessible to each group of dispensing devices on an individual island.
D. Section 7.3.5Fixed Fire Protection
2. In addition to all requirements of NFPA 30A section 9.5, unattended self-service retail gasoline facilities shall comply with the following:
A. A fixed automatic fire suppression system meeting the requirements of NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 2002 edition, as incorporated by rules of the Department of Public Safety, Office of the Fire Marshal, Chapter 6, Fire Extinguishing Systems, shall be installed and properly maintained. Systems designed and meeting UL 1254 1992 edition, or later, will be accepted.
B. A flame sensor shall be installed by individuals trained by the manufacturer of the equipment in addition to any heat sensing devices required by NFPA 30A.
C. The facility owner/operator shall provide and maintain a means to automatically notify the local fire department in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, 2007 edition as incorporated by rules of the Department of Public Safety, and Office of the Fire Marshal, Chapter 17, National Fire Alarm Code.
D. The Primary Fire Department having jurisdiction in the area in which a proposed self-service station is to be located shall be informed of such proposal and the requirements of all local ordinances must be met.
E. No one shall construct, reconstruct, convert or alter any service station to provide unattended self-service gasoline dispensing without first notifying the Office of the State Fire Marshal in writing of the type and address of the facility.
3. Special Regulations for Attended Self-Service Gasoline Facilities
A. No one shall construct, reconstruct, convert or alter any service station to provide attended self-service gasoline dispensing without first notifying the Office of the State Fire Marshal in writing of the type and address of the facility.
B. Every gasoline service station shall be under the direct control of the owner, operator or duly authorized employee who shall be on duty at all times that gasoline is being sold or dispensed.
C. Each facility shall be equipped with a fixed fire extinguishing system installed in accordance with NFPA #30A, Codefor Motor Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, 2008 edition. The system shall provide protection for all pumps in the dispensing area. Each extinguisher head shall be installed in such a manner that an accumulation of ice or snow will not adversely affect the proper functioning of the system.
D. The number of nozzles capable of simultaneous operation may not exceed sixteen nozzles per operator on duty in islands open to use, and no more than eight nozzles may be in use at one time.
E. The controlling mechanism console and its related equipment are to be listed by Underwriters Laboratories.
F. In addition to the required operating instructions set forth in NFPA #30A, signage shall include a requirement that the user stay in view of the fueling nozzle during dispensing.
G. The controlling console providing power to the pump motor must be monitored by the owner, operator or duly authorized employee at all times while gasoline is being dispensed and properly protected against physical damage from motor vehicles.
H. There shall be constant contact by the control console operator and the pump island by means of inter-communication system that shall be maintained in proper operating condition.
I. The control console operator must observe the filling operation of each vehicle. Mirrors are not acceptable as providing adequate visual control.
J.The control console shall include a disconnect switch capable of instantly disconnecting all pumping power.
K. The Primary Fire department having jurisdiction or providing mutual aid in the area in which a proposed self-service station is to be located shall be informed of such proposal and the requirements of all local ordinances must be met.
L. The operations permit must be posted in the plain view of the public, unobstructed, at the site.
M. An automatic-closing type hose nozzle valve listed with United Laboratories (or other recognized agency applying an equivalent test) with latch-open device may be installed.
N. The owner or operator of any attended self-service facility existing prior to the date of this rule must notify the Office of the State Fire Marshal in writing of by July 1, 2006.

16- 219 C.M.R. ch. 34, § 2