16-219-27 Me. Code R. § 04

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 219-27-04 - Fire Hazards
A. The ground enclosed by any tent used in connection with a place of outdoor assembly, and for a reasonable distance but not less than ten (10) feet outside of such structure or structures, shall be cleared of all flammable material or vegetation which will carry fire. This work shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of the administrative official prior to the erection of such structure or structures. The premises shall be kept free from such flammable materials during the period for which the premises are used by the public.
B. No hay, straw, shavings or similar combustible materials other than that necessary for the current feeding and care of animals shall be permitted within any tent used for public assembly.
C. No smoking, fireworks, or unapproved open flame of any kind shall be permitted in any tent while occupied by the public. "No smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted in any tent open to the public.
D. Signs prohibiting smoking shall be prominently displayed at all entrances and at other locations within any tent used as a place of assembly, so that they may be clearly visible to all occupants. Frequent announcement regarding such prohibition shall be made, preferably over a public address system if available. Suitable noncombustible containers shall be provided at all entrances for the proper disposition of cigar or cigarette butts and pipe dottle and a uniformed attendant shall be stationed at such locations to advise patrons of the no smoking regulations.
E. Tents shall not be used for the display of motion pictures unless safety film is used, and then only if tent is licensed by the Commissioner of Public Safety for such projection.
F. No tier of seats shall rise to a height exceeding twelve (12) feet.
G. All lighting shall be by electricity, with lamps properly guarded to prevent ignition by radiation. In tents utilized by the public emergency lighting facilities must be provided.
1. All wiring must conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code and conductors shall be trenched and covered.
2. Liquefied Petroleum gas shall not be utilized by any circus or carnival unless the storage containers, fittings, appliances and equipment are in accordance with rules and regulations governing transportation and storage of liquefied petroleum gas promulgated by the Commissioner of Public Safety.
H. All required exits, other than those normally used for entrance, shall be plainly marked during hours of darkness so as to be readily distinguished. Required exitways shall also be kept adequately lighted at such times, including the immediate area outside the exits.
I. Within any tent, aisles from grandstands, or other seating arrangements that do not lead directly to an exit shall discharge into an unobstructed space leading directly to one or more exits, and be so arranged as to be conveniently accessible to every occupant; and such space shall have a clear width not less than the required width of the exit to which it leads and such space shall be kept adequately lighted at such times.
J. A minimum of two exits, each not less than four feet wide, shall be provided where any tent is used as a place of assembly with a capacity of fifty or more persons, or in any tent where ten or more persons sleep or where animals are stabled and in any tent involving conditions hazardous to life. When tents are used as a place of assembly with a capacity in excess of 250 persons each exit shall not be less than 10 feet wide and the number of exits shall be based upon the ratio of one exit to each 250 persons or fraction thereof which the tent is designed to seat or hold. Such exits shall be spaced at approximately equal intervals around the perimeter of the tent and exitways serving such exits shall not be less than ten feet in clear width.
K. Aisles not less than forty-four (44) inches in width shall be provided so that there are not more than ten (10) seats between any seat and an aisle. Where individual seats are not provided a distance of eighteen (18) inches along any bench or platform shall constitute one seat in computing required aisles and exits. The horizontal distance back to back of seats shall be not less than thirty (30) inches for seats having backrests or not less than twenty-two (22) inches for bleacher type seats. Where the same level is used for both seats and footrests these levels shall be not less than twenty-two (22) inches in width. There shall be a space of not less than twelve (12) inches between the back of each seat and the front of the seat immediately behind it.
L. Every aisle shall lead directly to an exitway or to a cross aisle running parallel with the seat rows and leading to an exitway. Such aisles shall not be less in width than the combined width of aisles that they connect. In tents having a capacity of one thousand (1000) or over facilities must be provided for admitting patrons on opposite sides or ends convenient to their seating location.
M. Aisles and exitways shall be used only for passage to and from seats and for vendors carrying their wares. No poles or ropes shall be permitted in aisles and exitways and all exitways and exits shall be kept unobstructed at all times and so maintained as to not present a hazard from fire. The area for a distance of twenty (20) feet beyond any exit shall be kept free and clear and be made readily passable. Where two or more tents adjoin, with an opening between, an exit to the outside shall be provided at the point of juncture.
N. Spaces underneath grandstands shall be kept free of extraneous flammable materials and shall not be occupied for other than protective or exit purposes, except that such space as is enclosed with constructions surfaced with incombustible materials and having not less than 3/4 hour fire resistance may be used for other purposes as approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety.
O. Automobiles, trucks, tractors, lighting equipment and other equipment using gasoline shall be filled with approved safety cans or by hose from fixed pumps or from wheeled tanks with pumps and shall not be filled within twenty-five (25) feet of any tent used for public assembly. Tank trucks containing Class 1,2 or 3 flammable liquids shall not be parked within three hundred (300) feet of any tent occupied by public or tents used for housing animals.
P. The Commissioner of Public Safety or his duly authorized representative shall survey or cause to be surveyed each tent after its erection and if it is to be used as a place of public assembly before it is occupied. The Commissioner of Public Safety or his duly authorized representative shall require the installation of such fire appliances as are deemed necessary and designate their location. Such fire appliances may consist of water tanks, pumps, hose, water buckets, extinguishers and fireproof blankets. All fire appliances shall be kept in working condition and all pumps and hose when used in connection with tank wagons shall be inspected and tested if deemed necessary, prior to the occupancy of the tent. Portable extinguishers and similar appliances shall be properly distributed and readily accessible. It shall be the duty of the owner or manager of each exhibition to properly train sufficient responsible employees in the use of fire equipment so that it can be quickly put in operation and the Chief of the fire department may require these employees to prove their fitness. The fire inspector in any city or town where a traveling amusement show is exhibiting may detail uniformed firemen to such circus or carnival. They shall familiarize themselves with all fire protection facilities and fire prevention features and with the condition of exits and shall patrol the entire area of the tent during the time it is occupied. Special policemen or firemen shall see that overcrowding is not permitted, that aisles and exitways are kept open and that no smoking rules are observed. The expense of such firemen shall be borne by the circus or carnival. Any unforeseen condition that presents a fire hazard, or would contribute to the rapid spread of fire, or would delay or interfere with the rapid exit of persons from the tents, or would interfere with or delay the extinguishment of a fire, and which is not otherwise covered by these rules and regulations, shall be immediately abated, eliminated, or corrected as ordered by the inspection authority.

16-219 C.M.R. ch. 27, § 04