14-118-20 Me. Code R. § 3

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 118-20-3 - Department Responsibilities

The Department has the following additional responsibilities in administering the Housing First Program:

1.Supportive Services.
A. The Department will establish and administer policies and guidelines for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and Housing Stability Services that are eligible for funding from the Housing First Fund and the qualifications of the providers of those services. The services must be provided by or include coordination with a MaineCare provider.
B. The Department will select qualified providers of On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and qualified providers of Housing Stability Services pursuant to the qualifications established by the Department pursuant to paragraph A of this subsection and the Department's procurement policies and procedures.
C. The Department will establish and administer payment models for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and Housing Stability Services that are eligible for funding from the Housing First Fund. The payment models will maximize eligibility for reimbursement under existing and future federal programs that provide funding for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and the Housing Stability Services eligible for funding under the Housing First Program, including but not limited to MaineCare and the existing housing outreach and member engagement provider program administered by the Department. Funding from the Housing First Fund is intended to supplement, not supplant, the reimbursement or funding available under these existing and future federal programs.
D. The Department will enter into contracts with the providers of On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and Housing Stability Services that the Department has determined are qualified pursuant to this subsection.
2.Technical Assistance. The Department will provide technical assistance to service providers that receive funding under the Housing First Program and will assist providers in navigating reimbursement under MaineCare and other federal programs for those services.
3.Housing First Fund.
A. The Department will administer the Housing First Fund. An account separate from the Housing First Fund will be established to provide funding for Housing Stability Services and will be administered by the Department.
B. On or before July 1 of each year, the Department will determine the amount necessary to pay for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services provided at each Site-based Housing First Property that is eligible for funding from the Housing First Fund pursuant to the service contracts between the Department and the Qualified Service Providers for such Site-based Housing First Properties, or the anticipated cost of the On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services based on the payment models established by the Department pursuant to this rule if a service contract has not been executed, for the current fiscal year plus the anticipated amount needed for the next fiscal year. The Department will consult with MaineHousing about the projected initial occupancy and lease-up and annual occupancy of Site-based Housing First Properties to make the determination under this paragraph.
C. Beginning on July 1 of each year, starting July 1, 2025, as amounts in the Housing First Fund become available, the Department will distribute those amounts for the following purposes:
(1) First, to deposit the total annual cost of salaries and benefits for two permanent, full-time positions in the Department required to be established pursuant to the Housing First Law to administer the Housing First Program in the appropriate account for the Department to pay such costs;
(2) Second, to deposit $1,000,000 to the account established pursuant to paragraph A of this subsection, which the Department will use to pay for Housing Stability Services that the Department determines are eligible pursuant to this rule;
(3) Third, to pay for the On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services that the Department has budgeted pursuant to paragraph B of this subsection plus any additional amounts needed to pay for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services that are agreed to in writing by the Department and MaineHousing; and
(4) Finally, no later than June 30 of each year, any remaining amounts in the Housing First Fund will be transferred to MaineHousing to provide technical assistance pursuant to subsection 1 of section 4 of this rule and funding for Site-based Housing First Properties pursuant to subsection 3 of section 4 of this rule.
4.Existing Site-based Housing First Properties. Services offered at an Existing Site-based Housing First Property are eligible for funding under the Housing First Program to the extent (i) the current service funding for the Existing Site-based Housing First Property is reduced by more than fifty percent (50%) or eliminated and (ii) the owner and service provider of the Existing Site-based Housing First Property after commercially reasonable efforts are unable to replace such service funding with another source, provided that the Existing Site-based Housing First Property complies with the requirements of the Housing First Program, including the Housing First Law, this rule, and the policies and procedures and payment models established by the Department for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services.
5.Monitoring. The Department will monitor the service providers for compliance with the Housing First Program, including the policies and procedures and payment models established by the Department for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and Housing Stability Services.
6.Qualified Service Provider Changes. Any withdrawal, replacement, or addition of a Qualified Service Provider of a Housing First Team selected pursuant to this rule, including any such change resulting from an enforcement action or a sale or transfer of the Site-based Housing First Property, must be approved in writing by the Department prior to the change.
A.Site-based Housing First Properties.
(1) The Department is responsible for enforcing compliance with the requirements for On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and the qualifications of providers of those services, pursuant to the Department's rules, guidelines, policies, procedures and contracts governing On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services, and all other requirements of this rule that are the Department's responsibility.
(2) The Department will give MaineHousing a copy of each written notice of violation issued by the Department concerning On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services at a Site-based Housing First Property.
(3) The Department will coordinate with MaineHousing to enforce compliance to ensure the continued operation of the Site-based Housing First Property.
(4) If the violation is not corrected within the period specified for correction in the notice of violation, which period will depend on the nature of the violation, the Department can exercise all rights and remedies under the Department's rules, policies, procedures, and contracts.
B.Housing Stability Services. The Department is responsible for enforcing compliance with the requirements for Housing Stability Services and the qualifications of providers of those services pursuant to the Department's rules, guidelines, policies, procedures and contracts governing the Housing Stability Services.
8.Recordkeeping. The Department will maintain records of its selection of qualified providers of On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and Housing Stability Services, the specific On-site Housing Support and Stabilization Services and Housing Stability Services provided at each property and the providers of and payment for those services, and the Department's monitoring and enforcement responsibilities under this rule pursuant to the State's record retention requirements as they pertain to the Department.

14-118 C.M.R. ch. 20, § 3