14- 118 C.M.R. ch. 1, § I

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 118-1-I - General
A. The comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 and the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972, make, by allotment, Federal Funds available to this State under a formula grant basis. The State Administrator may provide a portion of these funds to: State, regional and local public and private non-profit agencies and organizations for participation in programs under these Acts. in addition, some State funds are made available for the same purposes.
B. Almost any type of project activity may be fundable, provided that the activity is based upon:
1. the Maine State Plan for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services.
2. the development of new or innovative programs to fill gaps in existing services or to expand the reach of existing services.
3. the ultimate integration of services and resources of all State, regional, and local public and private agencies assisting alcohol or drug abusers, or high-risk persons as defined in the Maine State Plan for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services.
4. specifications listed in a request for proposal issued by this office for the particular funding resource sought by the applicant.
C. These guidelines have been developed from existing state and federal guidelines and represent the minimum requirements for grants and contracts management by this office.
D. The use of Federal/State Funds must not result in a decrease in the effort of providing local alcohol or drug abuse prevention services. To the extent feasible, this program is designed to stimulate an increase in local effort.
E. The major thrusts of the grant program are for the delivery of services, and ongoing planning and coordination of all alcohol and drug abuse prevention, treatment and rehabilitation efforts.
F. OSA may fund up to 75% of a proposed alcoholism or drug abuse project subject to the availability of funds.
G. Funding by OSA may be accomplished through a grant in aid or a purchase of service agreement (Contract) mechanism or a combination of both.

14- 118 C.M.R. ch. 1, § I