It shall be unlawful to have on any trawl more than three lobster and crab traps or shrimp traps in coastal waters inside and upstream of the following line: starting at the southern tip of Indiantown Island, Boothbay; thence southerly to the northernmost point on Cameron Point, Southport; then starting at the southwest point of Southport; thence southeast to the Cuckolds; thence southerly 188ºT. to the territorial limits of the State (LORAN C coordinates 13054.5 and 25904.0); thence westerly to Mile Ledge Bell R20ML; thence northwesterly to the navigational buoy C (1JK) Jackknife Ledge; thence northerly to the southern tip of Wood Island; thence northerly from the northern tip of Wood Island to the most southeast point on Popham Beach, Phippsburg.
13- 188 C.M.R. ch. 55, § 32