13-188-34 Me. Code R. § 03

Current through 2024-52, December 25, 2024
Section 188-34-03 - Groundfish Spawning Closures
A.Boothbay and Sheepscot Bay Groundfish Closure

It shall be unlawful to fish for or take groundfish with any type of gear, or to possess groundfish so taken, from the following described area from May 1 through June 30 of any year:

In Boothbay, Sheepscot Bay, Linnekin Bay and Sheepscot River, in Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties, starting at the Sloop Ledge navigational buoy C "5", then running in a Southerly direction to the navigational buoy at the Sisters N "4S", then running Southeast to the navigational buoy N "2" at Tom Rock; then continuing on a line true South (180 degrees true) approximately 1.8 miles to a point at position 43 42.06'N / 069 43.06'W intersecting a line drawn from the Mile Ledge Bell Buoy R "20ML" to the Bantam Rock Bell R "2"; then continuing in an Northeasterly direction (067 degrees true) along the line from the Mile Ledge Bell Buoy to the Bantam Rock Bell Buoy approximately 4.5 miles to the Bantam Rock Bell; then Northerly to and along the Western shore of Damariscove Island; then to and along the western shore of Fisherman Island to its Northern tip; then Northerly to the Southern tip of Ocean Point on Linnekin Neck.

B.Maine Groundfish Spawning Closure

Except for recreational harvest authorized by this chapter, it is illegal to fish for, take, or have in possession groundfish listed under this part during the months of April, May and June. Maine's territorial waters are closed to commercial harvest as follows: All territorial waters west of a line, running 180° magnetic from West Quoddy Head, in Lubec, to the Canadian international border. Commercial ground fishing vessels must have all fishing gear securely stowed and covered when transiting this area during the closed period. The stowage requirements will not apply to vessels secured to or moving between docks or moorings within a harbor.


Common English Name

Scientific Name

American Plaice (Dab)

Hippoglossoides platessoides

Atlantic Cod

Gadus morhua


Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Ocean Pout

Macrozoarces americanus

Pollock (Saithe)

Pollachius virens

Red Hake

Urophycis chuss


Sebastes fasciatus

Silver Hake (whiting)

Merluccius bilinearis

White Hake

Urophycis tenuis

Windowpane Flounder

Scophthalmus aquosus

Winter Flounder (Lemon sole/Blackback)

Pleuronectes americanus

Witch Flounder (Gray sole)

Glyptocephalus cynoglossus

Yellowtail Flounder

Pleuronectes ferrugineus

** See Also Groundfish harvesting and gear restrictions found in Department of Marine Resources Regulations 55.35 and 55.40.

13-188 C.M.R. ch. 34, § 03