Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 188-34-01 - DefinitionsA.Allocated groundfish species. "Allocated groundfish species" means cod, witch flounder, American plaice, yellowtail flounder, haddock, pollock, winter flounder, redfish, and white hake for the purposes of this management planB.Bait gillnet. A "Bait Gillnet" is a gillnet with diamond or square stretch mesh, measuring less than 3.5 inches throughout the entire net, is suspended in the water column, and has a maximum length of 2,000 feet.C.Charter or party boat. A "charter or party boat" is any vessel that carries passengers for hire to engage in recreational fishing activities.D.Coastal waters. "Coastal waters" means all waters of the State within the rise and fall of the tide out to the limits of the exclusive economic zone as shown on the most recently published Federal Government nautical chart, but does not include areas above any fishway or dam when that fishway or dam is the dividing line between tidewater and fresh water.E.Cod end. The "cod end" is the terminal section of a trawl net in which captured fish may accumulate.F.Commercial catch. "Commercial catch" means all multispecies taken with any type of gear except multispecies taken for personal use by hand-held hook and line gear or any Atlantic Halibut taken in accordance with Chapter 34.07 D (5).G.Electronic monitoring maximized retention model. The "electronic monitoring maximized retention model" with respect to the groundfish sector monitoring program, means a program in which all eligible trips are electronically monitored; fish must be handled in view of cameras; allowed discarding must occur at controlled points in view of cameras; all allocated groundfish species stocks must be retained; electronic monitoring is used to verify compliance; and offloads are subject to observation by dockside monitors.H.Groundfish. "Groundfish" means all demersal species including but not limited to the following: Common English Name | Scientific Name |
Monkfish (Goosefish) | Lophius americanus |
American Plaice (Dab) | Hippoglossoides platessoides |
Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua |
Atlantic Halibut | Hippoglossus hippoglossus |
Atlantic Searobins | Prionotus spp. |
Atlantic Tomcod | Microgadus tomcod |
Atlantic Wolfish | Anarhichas lupus |
Cunner | Tautogolabrus adspersus |
Cusk (Tusk) | Brosme brosme |
Greenland Halibut | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus |
North Atlantic redfishes | Sabastes spp. |
Ocean Pout | acrozoarces americanus |
Pollock (Saithe) | Pollachius virens |
Red Hake | Urophycis chuss |
Redfish | Sabastes marinus |
Sandeels (Sand lances) | Ammodytes spp. |
Sculpins | Myoxocephalus spp. |
Silver Hake(whiting) | Merluccius bilinearis |
Summer Flounder (fluke) | Paralichthys dentatus |
White Hake | Urophycis tenuis |
Windowpane Flounder | Scophthalmus aquosus |
Winter Flounder (Lemon sole/Blackback) | Pseudopleuronectes americanus |
Witch Flounder (Gray sole) | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus |
Wolffishes (catfishes) | Anarhichas spp. |
Yellowtail Flounder | Limanda ferruginea |
I.Marine species. "Marine species" means all marine animals except lobster, shellfish, marine worms, and elvers.J.Pectoral length. "Pectoral length" is the measurement taken from the base of the pectoral fin where it joins the fish's body to the tip of the fish's tail.K.Recreational fishing. "Recreational fishing" means fishing that is not intended to, nor does it result in the barter, trade, or sale of fish.L.Recreational fishing vessel. A "Recreational fishing vessel" means any vessel from which no groundfish harvest other than recreational fishing, is conducted. Charter and party boats are not considered recreational fishing vessels.M.Regulated species. "Regulated species" means cod, witch flounder, American plaice, Atlantic halibut, yellowtail flounder, haddock, pollock, winter flounder, windowpane flounder, redfish, ocean pout and white hake for the purposes of this management plan.N.Sink gillnet. A "Sink Gillnet" is a gillnet that is fished on or near the bottom in the lower third of the water column.O.Territorial waters. "Territorial waters" means all waters of the State within the rise and fall of the tide seaward to the 3-nautical mile line as shown on the most recently published Federal Government nautical chart, but does not include areas above any fishway or dam when that fishway or dam is the dividing line between tidewater and fresh water.P.Total length. "Total length" is the measurement taken from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail.13-188 C.M.R. ch. 34, § 01