The following terms, as used in these regulations, shall have the following meanings, unless a different meaning is required by the context:
"Election district" means one of a series of contiguous geographic areas within a lobster management zone which is created by a lobster management policy council for the purpose of electing representative voting members of the councils. The election districts are defined in the by-laws of the council and may be harbors or discrete fishing areas within the zone.
"Lobster license holder" means a person who holds a Class I, II, or III lobster and crab fishing license issued under 12 M.R.S. §6421.
"Lobster management policy council" means the group of locally elected lobster license holders and an appointed non-voting legislative member who may submit proposed effort limitation rules to referendum within a lobster management zone and to the Commissioner.
"Lobster management zone" means one of seven areas within the waters of the State for which lobster fishing effort limitations may be established by the Commissioner upon the recommendation of the corresponding lobster management policy council.
"Lobster fishing effort limitation" means a regulation on the maximum number of lobster traps that may be fished by an individual license holder or two or more lobster license holders who fish from the same boat, the maximum number of traps on a trawl line, or the time of day when lobster fishing may occur.
"Referendum" means the submission of a proposed lobster fishing effort limitation for a lobster management zone to a direct vote by the lobster license holders eligible to vote in a lobster management zone.
"Trap limit" means the maximum number of lobster fishing traps that a lobster license holder may submerge from a boat in the waters of the State.
"Trawl limit" means the maximum number of lobster traps that a lobster license holder may attach to a line submerged in the waters of the State.
"Lobster fishing year" means the 12 month season from June 1 through May 31.
The term 'exclusive economic zone' means the zone established by Proclamation 5030, of March 10, 1983, 48 FR 10605, issued by President Reagan.
The by-laws shall establish the maximum number of voting members to be elected to the council and election districts from which each voting member is to be elected. The number of voting members shall be an odd number and shall allow each member to represent approximately the same number of lobster license holders unless geographic conditions warrant otherwise. The by-laws may require the appointment of a non-voting representative to the council of each adjacent lobster management zone. The by-laws may create subcommittees of the council members and lobster license holders. The council may change the bylaws at any time.
The Commissioner must approve any by-law or amendments thereto before it may become effective for use by the zone council.
To be elected a council member, the member must receive the most votes from the voting members of the district in which the council member is to represent who are eligible to and do vote. A person must hold a valid class I, II, or III lobster and crab fishing license and be at least 18 years of age to become a member of the council.
If a lobster management policy council recommends a rule to limit lobster fishing effort in its zone after approval in a referendum held pursuant to Chapter 25.93(C)(11), the Commissioner may adopt and publish the rules verbatim or may adopt and publish rules that accurately reflect the intent of the council's recommendation. The Commissioner may reject the proposed rule if it is found to be unreasonable.
The Commissioner must approve any survey form developed by a lobster management policy council to determine an exit ratio pursuant to 12 M.R.S. §6448 before that survey is conducted.
A lobster management policy council may submit to the Commissioner for rulemaking more than one proposed exit ratio, however the council must indicate a preferred option. The Commissioner may choose to propose rulemaking on one or more exit ratio(s) for public comment.
Once an exit ratio is adopted for a limited-entry zone, the lobster management policy council for that zone will not vote to conduct a survey or make a proposal to the Department for a new exit ratio, and the Department will not propose or adopt a new exit ratio for that zone, for a minimum of 24 months from the effective date of the regulation setting the exit ratio.
If an exit ratio is not adopted, after a survey has been conducted in the zone and a lobster policy management council has made a recommendation to the Commissioner regarding an exit ratio, the lobster policy management council may not vote to conduct another survey for 36 months from the date of the previous vote by the lobster policy management council to conduct a survey.
If the number of Class I, II and III lobster and crab trap tags in a limited-entry zone is reduced by 30% or more than the number of such tags in that zone as of December 31, 1997, then the following shall occur:
Any exit ratio established for a limited-entry zone shall be implemented concurrent with the licensing year following adoption.
13-188 C.M.R. ch. 25, § 93