1. Chafing gear or cookies. Chafing gear or cookies, with respect to the scallop fishery, means steel, rubberized, or other types of donut rings, disks, washers, twine, or other material attached to or between the steel rings of a sea scallop drag or dredge.
2. Drag, dredge, drag gear, or dredge gear. Drag, dredge, drag gear, or dredge gear, with respect to the scallop fishery, means gear consisting of a mouth frame attached to a holding bag constructed of metal rings, or any other modification to this design, that can be or is used in the harvest of scallops.
3. Drag or dredge bottom. Drag or dredge bottom, with respect to the scallop fishery, means the rings and links found between the bail of the drag or dredge and the club stick, which, when fishing, would be in contact with the sea bed. This includes the triangular shaped portions of the ring bag commonly known as "diamonds".
4. Drag or dredge top. Drag or dredge top, with respect to the scallop fishery, means the mesh panel in the top of a drag or dredge and immediately adjacent rings and link found between the bail of the dredge, the club stick, and the two side panels. The bail of the dredge is the rigid structure of the forward portion of the drag or dredge that connects to the warp and holds the drag or dredge open. The club stick is the rigid bar at the tail of the drag or dredge bag that is attached to the rings.
5. Scallop Management "Zone One (1)" includes all coastal waters West of a line beginning at the easternmost point of Fort Point State Park on Cape Jellison then running southwesterly to channel marker #1 South of Sears Island, then running southwesterly to channel marker RW "II" located between Marshall's Point and Bayside in the Town of Northport, then running southwesterly to Graves channel marker southeast of the Town of Camden, then running southeasterly to the Penobscot Bay Buoy "PB" East of Rockland Harbor, then running southerly to the TBI whistle southwest of Junken Ledge, then running southeasterly to Red Nun #10 buoy at Foster Ledges, then running due South magnetic to the boundary of the State's coastal waters to the New Hampshire border.6. Scallop Management "Zone Two (2)" includes all coastal waters East of the line defined in the preceding subsection 5 for Zone One, including all coastal waters of the Penobscot River North of Fort Point State Park to the Lubec-Campobello Island bridge; and all territorial waters surrounding Machias Seal Island and North Rock.7. Scallop Management "Zone Three (3)" includes all coastal waters North and East of the Lubec-Campobello Island bridge including all of Cobscook Bay and the St. Croix River inside Maine territorial waters.8. Commercial Scallop License. A handfishing scallop or handfishing with tender license issued under 12 M.R.S §6701 or a scallop dragging license issued under 12 M.R.S. §6702.13-188 C.M.R. ch. 11, § 01