10-148-6 Me. Code R. § 11

Current through 2024-25, June 19, 2024
Section 148-6-11 - BILLING AND PAYMENTS

The Market Rate is set by the Department based on a survey of Child Care Providers or a statistically valid and reliable alternative methodology approved by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and is evaluated every three (3) years to ensure adequacy of rates for the purpose of demonstrating equal access to Child Care Services for families with low-income. Child Care Providers shall bill and the Department shall pay Child Care Subsidies as follows:

A. Children will be considered school age if they become five (5) years of age on or prior to October 15th, unless the Department is notified the Child will not be attending school the school age rate will be applied to billing;
B. To maintain continuity of Child Care Services, in a twelve (12) month period (January to January), the Department will pay the Child Care Provider for: state holidays, up to forty (40) training hours, and up to fifty (50) hours of Child Care Provider vacation time as required by federal law (45 C.F.R. § 98.45) ;
C. All Child Care Subsidy Payments to Child Care Providers will be for only those Child Care Services provided between the beginning date and the ending date for Child Care Services authorized in the Award Letter;
D. Child Care Subsidy Payments will be made to all eligible Child Care Providers on a Reimbursement Basis and will be based on the number of hours of Child Care Services provided;
E. If a Child Care Provider has a policy of requiring a one-time deposit, registration fee, or application fee, the Parent will be responsible for these fees.
F. Child Care Providers having attained the highest three (3) levels of QRIS may qualify for an additional monetary stipend; and
G. Child Care Providers providing Child Care Services Monday through Friday between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. and anytime during the weekends, may receive an additional monetary stipend to be determined by the Department.
H.Billing Process
1. The Child Care Provider must utilize the Department's standard billing form.
2. The Department will not pay a Child Care Provider who does not submit a bill within sixty (60) calendar days of the Department established submission deadline.
3. The Child Care Provider will maintain, retain, and provide to the Department upon request, daily attendance records; records must be retained for a minimum of three (3) years.
4. The Child Care Provider must issue a receipt upon payment of the Parent Fee and retain copies of all receipts in agency files and keep fiscal records on all fee transactions for a minimum of three (3) years.
5. Parents and Child Care Providers are required to sign attendance sheets weekly, at a minimum.
6. The Child Care Provider's attendance records must align with the submitted billing forms.
I.Payment for Open Child Protective Cases, Child Protective Cases involving At-Risk Children, and Care and Custody Referrals

If the Department or Federal Tribal Caseworker requests that the Child Care Provider hold a spot for his/her client who has been accepted for Child Care Subsidy, but the Parent fails to appear on the scheduled enrollment date, the Department will pay the Child Care Provider for up to two (2) weeks of Child Care Services per the Award Letter.

J.Payment Timing

When the Child Care Provider's billing form is free of errors and submitted to the Department within the time frame stipulated in the Provider Agreement, the Department will pay the Child Care Provider within twenty-one (21) calendar days of receipt.

K.Payment Discontinued
1. When the Parent's Child Care Subsidy is terminated, the Department will not pay the Child Care Provider beyond the termination date unless the Parent has requested an Administrative Hearing within ten (10) days of notice of termination.
2. When the Child Care Provider terminates Child Care Services to a Child, the Department will not pay the Child Care Provider for Child Care Services provided to the Child after the termination date by the Child Care Provider.
3. When the Provider Agreement between the Department and the Child Care Provider is terminated, no payment to the Child Care Provider will be made for any service provided or charge incurred after the termination date.
4. When a Licensed Child Care Provider's license or Maines Quality Certificate expires, no Child Care Subsidy Payment shall be made to such Provider for Services provided to a Child after the Provider's license expires and before the effective date of the Provider's new or renewed license or certificate if one is obtained.

10-148 C.M.R. ch. 6, § 11