When a Provider knows or suspects that a Child has contracted a notifiable disease or condition, the Provider must notify the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (MECDC). The Provider must notify the MECDC immediately by phone for Category 1 conditions, and within 48 hours for Category 2 conditions. MECDC contacts: Phone: 1-800-821-5821 (24 hours a day); FAX: 1-800-293-7534 (24 hours a day); or TTY: Maine relay 711 (24 hours a day). For a list of Category 1 and 2 notifiable diseases and conditions, see 10-144 CMR Chapter 258, Rules for the Control of Notifiable Conditions, Chapter 2(I). http://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/rules/10/144/144c258.doc
10-148 C.M.R. ch. 33, § 12