10-148-19 Me. Code R. § 2

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
A. A facility shall not place children unless it shall have a license issued by the Department authorizing such activity.
B. The governing body and the administrator of the child placing agency shall be responsible for complying with Maine Statutes and all rules adopted pursuant thereto (Title 22 M.R.S.A., sub-title 6).
C. A license shall be effective only at the address given on the license. A change of physical location from which a licensed child placing agency operates shall require written notification to the Department. The Department may re-issue a corrected license for the remaining period of the license.
D. Applications for a license shall be made to the Department on a form prescribed by the Department.
E. If there is a change of operator or administrator or location of the facility, the license becomes void and a new application for a license must be filed with the Department prior to the change, or immediately after the change if the change was not planned.
F. Following the receipt of an application, the Department will evaluate to determine that the child placing agency is in compliance with the rules for child placing agencies specified in Parts 10 through 17.
G. At the time of applications the Department will request criminal history records from the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Identification, for all persons who are making application for a license.
H. Three letters of reference will be required from persons in the community to assist the Department in evaluating the suitability of the administrator of the agency at the time of the original application.
I. The references shall include two references from persons with training and experience in the field of social work administration to indicate the qualifications and degree of experience of the administrator, and one character reference from an unrelated person. Additional letters of reference may be required at the discretion of the Department prior to the issuance of a license.
J. The applicant may withdraw the application at any time during the application period upon notification to the Department. The Department shall acknowledge all withdrawals in writing.
K. The Department shall have the right to monitor the child placing agency to determine continuing compliance with the rules.
L. Agencies seeking renewal of a license shall make application 60 days prior to the date of expiration in order that necessary licensing procedures may be completed to assure the continuity of the license. A licensing study of the child placing agency with respect to continuing compliance with these rules will be made at renewal time by a representative of the Department.
M. The administrator shall be responsible for reporting to the Department any changes which might affect the status of the license.
N. As part of the application or renewal process, the applicant or licensee shall provide appropriate releases of information so that the Department may obtain relevant information to ascertain whether the applicant or licensee is in compliance with these Rules.
O. In some instances there are no common definitions as to degree of compliance with rules. When such instances occur in these rules, the determination of compliance or non-compliance with rules shall be made at the discretion of the Department.
P. The agency shall cooperate with the licensing department In any investigation involving the agency or persons receiving services from the agency.
Q. The agency shall post the license in a place clearly visible to any person entering the agency.

10-148 C.M.R. ch. 19, § 2