10-148-11 Me. Code R. § II

Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024
Section 148-11-II - Notice

When the Agency receives a complaint which gives reason to believe that the rights of a developmentally disabled person in the care or custody of the Department have been or are being violated, it shall notify the Regional Program Manager in the Region where the developmentally disabled person in the care or custody of the Department resides and shall include:

A. Identification of the developmentally disabled person;
B. The specific rights which it believes have been or are being violated;
C. The manner in which it believes the rights have been or are being violated or the reason for that belief;
D. Specification of whether the advocacy agency is requesting to be appointed as advocate to represent the developmentally disabled person;
E. Specification whether the advocacy agency wishes to communicate directly with the developmentally disabled person, unless the developmentally disabled person is the complaining party;
F. A request for those records relevant to the rights believed to be violated of the developmentally disabled persons;
G. A request for a meeting to discuss the complaint;
H. A request for desired corrective action, if any.

10-148 C.M.R. ch. 11, § II