C.M.R. 10, 148, ch. 1, 148-1-V, subsec. 148-1-V-A

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

To establish the reporting and claiming for reimbursement requirements organizations must follow when participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program.

1. Organizations participating in the C.A.C.F.P. shall submit to the Bureau a claim for reimbursement on a form designed by the Bureau. The claim for reimbursement shall be based on actual data and shall contain the following information for the period being reported/claimed:
a. The current year's agreement number;
b. Identification of the organization submitting the report/claim;
c. Number assigned to the organization by IRS including letter designations if appropriate,
d. The period being reported/claimed (month and year);
e. Identification of whether the report/claim is original or revised;
f. The number of facilities operated or sponsored by type;
g. The number of facilities which operated during the claiming month,, by type;
h. The number of days the facilities were open;
i. The average daily attendance;
j. Adult day care Centers, child day care centers and outside-school-hours centers shall report the number of participants in each of the "Free", "Reduced-price" and "Paid" categories who are enrolled in the program on the last day of the month being claimed;
k. The number of meals claimed, by type (breakfast, lunch, A.M. and P.M. Supplements, Supper and Evening Supplement) served to enrolled participants who were in attendance at the time of meal service;
l. Sponsors of child day care homes shall report their actual administrative costs for the claiming month by line item. Costs shall only be reported/claimed for line items which appear in the signed original agreement or approved amendment;
m. Sponsors of child day care homes shall report the total amount of the administrative budget that appears In their signed agreement or approved amendment.
n. Each organization shall certify that the claim is correct and that records are available to support the claim.
2. The original claim for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Bureau by the 10th day of the month following the month being claimed.
3. A late original or a revised claim for reimbursement shall be submitted so that it arrives in the Bureau within 60 calendar days following the last day of the month for which the original or revised claim is being submitted.
a. An original claim or an upwards revision of a previously submitted al claims, if submitted to the Bureau after the 60 calendar day deadline.. shall be rejected and returned to the submitting organization without processing unless the cause of the late claim is beyond the control of the organization and the late claim or revision is accompanied by a letter of explanation which addresses the following:
1 The problem contributing to the lateness;
2 A description of the action taken to prevent future late or incorrect claim submission; and
3 A statement that the organization understands that if the exception request is granted it is a one-time exception and any late original or late revised claims submitted within the next three.(3) agreement periods will be returned without processing or allowance for request of an exception.
b. The Bureau, upon receipt of a late original claim or upwards revised claim and letter of explanation shall:
1 Review the claim and explanation and, if the claim is an original submitted after 60 days following the last day of the month being claimed, may approve the payment of the late original claim provided the organization agrees to the one-time exception; and
2 All other late original or upwards revised claims, and the letter of explanation, will be forwarded to USDA Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Regional Office for their review and decision. The, Food and Nutrition Service decision shall be final.
4. A late downwards revised claim may be submitted and accepted for processing at anytime.
5. Organizations shall claim for reimbursement only those meals/supplements served to enrolled participants who are in attendance at the time of the meal/supplement service. Organizations may also claim any additional meals ordered or prepared for participants reasonably expected to be in attendance based on documented daily attendance for no less than the previous month and provided the meals were served to enrolled participants who were in attendance as a complete second meal. It is expected that meals will be ordered with the objective of providing only one meal per participant at each meal service. Second meals may not be claimed by an organization sponsoring centers, if the center serves meals in a family style meal service.
6. Organizations shall. not claim for reimbursement meals served to participants in excess of the facility's licensed/registered capacity, unless the organization has attendance records showing that not all participants were in attendance at the same time.
7. Organizations shall not claim for reimbursement meals served to adult staff members, to adults, or to children who are not enrolled or not eligible to participate in the program.

C.M.R. 10, 148, ch. 1, 148-1-V, subsec. 148-1-V-A