Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Subsection 148-1-III-A - APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION1. PURPOSE: To establish the initial application and annual reapplication procedures to be followed, and the requirements for participation, in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
2. STANDARDS: 1. To qualify for participation in the C.A.C.F.P. an organization shall: a. Be public, i.e. a federal, state or municipal agency; orb. Be incorporated in the State of Maine as a private non-profit corporation; and hold or show evidence toward obtaining tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; 1 An organization which provides documentation that it has applied to the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) for tax-exempt status may participate in the C.A.C.F.P. while its application is pending review by the IRS;2 If the IRS certification has not been received by the organization within 12 months of filing the application with the IRS, the organization shall provide the Bureau documented evidence of its timely submission of all information requested by the IRS. Failure to provide evidence that the organization has provided all information requested by the IRS, shall result in the Bureau terminating the organizations participation in the C.A.C.F.P. until such time as IRS tax-exempt status is obtained;3 The loss or denial of IRS tax-exempt status shall be reported immediately to the Bureau. Upon such notification the Bureau shall terminate the organization's participation in the C.A.C.F.P.; orc. Be a proprietary corporation providing non-residential adult or child day care services for which it receives compensation under Title XIX or Title XX of the Social Security Act. Such organization shall provide evidence that at least 25% of the enrolled adults or children in attendance in each center for each day of the claiming month were either Title XIX or Title XX beneficiaries during the claiming month; andd. Continually maintain the status of (1), (2), or (3) above. The loss of this status shall cause the organization to lose its eligibility to participate in the C.A.C.F.P.2. The organization shall be an independent center; or: a. Operate adult day care, child day care,, or outside-school-hours care centers which have been licensed or certified by the Department, or by military authorities, if located on a military installation, over which it has financial and administrative control, orb. Sponsor child day care homes which have been licensed or registered by the Department, or by military authorities, if located on a military installation.3. In addition to the requirements in l.A. and l.B., organizations applying for participation must complete and provide the following: a.1 Child and Adult Care Food Program Agreement;2 Sponsoring Organization's Management Plan; and3 Policy Statement for organizations which do not charge separately for meals. (Pricing organizations must develop an individual statement.)b. A site application for each adult day care center, child day care center, outside-school-hours center or child day care home to be either operated or sponsored by the organization.c. A copy of a "Public Release" statement developed by the organization and made available to the information media serving the area from which the organization draws its attendance. 1 A "Public Release" statement issued by an organization which operates Adult Day Care,, Child Day Care, or Outside-school-hours Care Canters which chooses not to charge separately for meals/supplements (non-pricing organizations), shall include: i The availability of the meal program;ii The name and location of each participating facility;iii The current income eligibility guidelines for "Free" and "Reduced-price" meals; andiv The statement: "meals are available at no separate charge to all enrolled participants without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap."2 The "Public Release* statement for organizations operating Adult Day Care, Child Day Care, or Outside-school-hours Care Centers which choose to charge separately for meals/supplements, (pricing organizations) shall include:i The availability of the meal program;ii The name and location of each participating facility;iii The current income eligibility guidelines for "Free" and "Reduced-price" meals;iv The statement that meals in the "Reduced-price" and "Paid" categories are available at an additional charge.v The public release shall state the amount to be charged for "Reduced-price" and "Paid" meals. a The charge for a "Reduced-price" lunch or supper shall not exceed 40 cents;b the charge for a "Reduced-price" breakfast shall not exceed 30 cents; andc the charge for a "Reduced-price" supplement shall not exceed 15 A statement announcing that children of AFDC or Food Stamp households are automatically eligible to receive "Free" meals; or
A statement announcing that Adult Day Care participants who are members 'of a Food Stamp household or who are SSI or Medicaid recipients are eligible to receive "Free" meal benefits;
vii The statement: "Meals are available to all enrolled participants without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap."3 Organizations sponsoring child day care homes shall meet standard (1) above plus the following: i Submit an "Application to Participate" for each Home to be sponsored;ii Complete and maintain on file an "Agreement Between Sponsoring Organization and Day Care Home" for each home;iii A "Public Release" statement which includes:a The availability of the meal program;b The name and location of each participating facility; andc The statements "Meals are available at no extra charge to all enrolled children without regard to race* colors national origin, sex, age or handicap."4. Interstate Sponsoring Organizations shall execute a C.A.C.F.P. Agreement with the Maine Department of Human Services, meet all USDA and State of Maine C.A.C.F.P. requirements in those facilities sponsored or operated in Maine, and maintain an administrative office in the State of Maine in which all records pertaining to operations occurring within this State are maintained.5. An organization shall not be eligible to participate in both the C.A.C.F.P. and the Special Milk Program at the same time. C.M.R. 10, 148, ch. 1, 148-1-III, subsec. 148-1-III-A