This manual is structured to conform with the State of Maine Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 MRSA, §8001 - 11008, as amended. Each distinct part of this manual will be found under a "Section," further broken into "Subsection" and "Page" under the APA referencing procedure. This manual is meant to be as all encompassing as possible but at the same time must remain flexible, as periodically the laws are changed or new laws are passed by the Congress of these United States. When this occurs all old laws and relating policies are superseded by the new law and it will become necessary to revise this manual in accordance with the APA. All future substantive policy changes or revisions will be issued only after a formal policy notice, as required by the APA.
Manual Update Procedures:
C.M.R. 10, 148, ch. 1, 148-1-I, subsec. 148-1-I-C