10-146-12 Me. Code R. § II

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
A. Except as otherwise provided by 22 M.R.S.A.§2706(1), all applications by an adult adopted person, the adopted person's attorney or, if the adopted person is deceased, the adopted person's descendants must be processed by the State Registrar in accordance with these rules.
B. Applications by an adult adopted person, the adopted person's attorney or, if the adopted person is deceased, the adopted person's descendents must be duly notarized under oath upon forms prescribed by the State Registrar.
C. Legal proof of descent must accompany an application request submitted by descendants of an adopted person. Documents of descent must be certified copies of records.
D. All forms and fees that are not compliant with these rules will be returned to the applicant if possible. Forms that cannot be returned will be destroyed.
E. All applications must be on the forms provided by the State Registrar. The Application for a non-certified copy of an original birth record, Contact Preference Form, and Medical History Form shall be available upon the State Registrar's website and are also available in paper format upon request of the State Registrar.
F. Application Forms and Fees
1. Requirements. An applicant must submit a certified copy of the birth record of the adoptee with the application to obtain an original birth record to ensure compliance with age and identity requirements.
1. Fees and waiting period. Fees for documents must accompany the written application and be identical to fees imposed upon persons seeking their own birth certificates. The waiting period will be identical to that imposed upon persons seeking their own birth certificates. All applications for access to original birth records must be submitted in writing, in person, or via regular mail. The applications will be processed in the order in which they are received.
2. The application form must contain the following data elements to be provided by the applicant:
a. Full legal name of the adoptee;
b. Date of birth of the adoptee;
c. Name of the City/Town of birth of the adoptee;
d. Full name of the adoptive mother/father;
e. Current name, mailing address, and telephone number of applicant;
f. Applicant's relationship to adoptee;
G. Issuance of original birth record

If available, a photocopy of the legal portion of the original birth record will be provided to the applicant pursuant to Title 22 M.R.S.A. §2768(1) - (4). The non-certified copy of the original birth record will be stamped with "Not to be used as a Legal Document."

10-146 C.M.R. ch. 12, § II