10-144-332 Me. Code R. § 3.5-4

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 144-332-3.5-4 - Transitional Medicaid

When eligibility within either a parent/caretaker relative or child under age 21 eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies ceases because of hours of, or income from, employment of the parent/caretaker relative or because of receipt of alimony, Transitional Medicaid may be available.

Section 4.1: Definitions

Family - a family consists of individuals whose needs and income were included in determining eligibility in a coverage group for which MAGI-based methodology applies at the time this coverage ended. It also includes those individuals whose needs and income would be taken into consideration in determining eligibility for a coverage group for which MAGI-based methodology applies if the family were applying in the current month.

Included in the definition is:

a parent/caretaker relative who returns home, who is included in an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies and whose earnings, either alone or added to other income of the household, result in the family losing coverage under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies; a child or parent/caretaker relative who moves into the home after TM has started; or a child who is born after TM has started.

Section 4.2: Eligibility for Transitional Medicaid: Individuals Who Become Ineligible for Coverage under MAGI-Based Coverage Due to Increased Earnings

Section 4.2.1: Computation of Transition Period

Individuals who lose eligibility in a coverage group for which MAGI-based methodology applies due to the earnings of a parent/caretaker relative may remain eligible for Medicaid for up to a year. The scope of services will be the same as those provided to those eligible under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies.

These individuals may receive up to twelve additional months of medical coverage known as Transitional Medicaid (TM). The twelve months are divided into two separate eligibility periods, each consisting of six months. There are different requirements for each extension. Individuals receiving TM must continue to assign their rights to payment for medical care from any third party. The custodial parent is not required to cooperate in obtaining medical support or payments from the non-custodial parent (See Part 2, Sections 6 and 7).

The twelve month count starts with the first month of ineligibility, which may not necessarily be the effective month of the loss of coverage under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies.


A family reports an increase in the parent's earnings on April 5th. The parent is now ineligible in April. The first month for TM is April, the first month of ineligibility, and not May, which would be the effective month for the closing under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies.

Section Initial Six Month Extension (Months One - Six):

A. Conditions of Eligibility

At least one member must have been eligible for and receiving coverage under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies in one of the prior three months immediately preceding ineligibility. Retroactive coverage under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies will be counted for this purpose even if there is only one month of retroactive coverage and no current eligibility under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies.

For example, the family applies in July. Eligibility exists only for June. The family gets coverage under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies for June and TM starting in July.


(1) An individual is not eligible for the initial six month extension of Transitional Medicaid if the individual is a member of a family which has received Medicaid, if the State makes a finding that, at any time during the last 6 months in which the family was receiving such aid, before otherwise being provided extended eligibility under this section, the individual was ineligible for Medicaid because of fraud.
(2) The closing of coverage in an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies must be due to the earnings of a specified relative as defined by Section 2 above.


(a) Mother and one child are covered under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. Father or stepfather returns to the home. When eligibility is determined including the father or stepfather and his earnings, the mother and father or stepfather is over income for eligibility in a coverage group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. The mother and father or stepfather are eligible for TM.
(b) Mother, father and two children are covered under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. Mother and father have earnings. One child leaves the home or turns age 18 resulting the family being over income for an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. Mother, father, and child under age 18 are eligible for TM.
(c) Mother and two children are covered under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. The 17 year old (not attending school) has countable earnings, which result in the mother being over income under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. The mother is not eligible for TM because it is not the earnings of the parent/caretaker relative that resulted in ineligibility for a coverage group for which MAGI-based methodology applies.
(d) A family of four is covered under an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. Mother has earnings and father, who was employed, starts to get unemployment benefits putting the mother and father over the income limits for an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies. The mother and father are not eligible for TM since it was the change in Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) that resulted in being over the income limits for an eligibility group for which MAGI-based methodology applies.

It is not a condition of eligibility that the specified parent/caretaker relative remain employed during the first six months of the initial extension or that included individuals cooperate in establishing paternity or in obtaining medical support and payments. Individuals in the household must comply with rules on assigning rights to medical support (through Third Party Liability (TPL), see Part 2, Section 6).

There is no income test for the initial six month extension.

Failure to file the income and child care report required in the fourth month does not affect the coverage provided in the initial extension.

The coverage group must include a child, who resides in the household. This child must be under the age of eighteen or between the ages of 18 and 19 and a student regularly attending a secondary school on a full-time basis (or in the equivalent level of vocational or technical training at the high school level) and reasonably expected to complete the program prior to his or her 19th birthday.

B. Covered Individuals
(1) All family members who were included members of a MAGI-Based household at the time of closing and/or whose needs and income were taken into account in determining coverage under MAGI-Based (for example a parent returned to the home).
(2) Anyone who moves into the home after TM has started as long as that person would have been covered under MAGI-Based coverage if the family were applying in the current month.

For example:

a newborn a non-custodial parent returns a child moves into the home a stepparent moves into the home.
C. Client Reporting Responsibilities
(1) Each family must report when a child no longer resides within its household or when there are any other changes in the family composition.
(2) Each family must file its report of gross earnings by the 21st of the fourth month. The report will contain verified information for months one, two, and three of the initial extension.

If necessary, and upon request, a finding of good cause for failure to file an income report on time or failure to file a completed report may be determined by the eligibility specialist. Some reasons for good cause include but are not limited to:

(a) mail delay;
(b) reported change of address too late in preceding month for data processing changes for mailings;
(c) the 21st falls on a weekend or holiday, in this instance the due date becomes the next working day;
(d) planned absences previously reported;
(e) death or illness of a family member or responsible relative;
(f) circumstances beyond the control of the responsible relative.

All other changes must be reported within the time frames outlined in Part 2, Section 12.2, unless otherwise specified.

D. Agency Notice Requirements
(1) At the time of the closing under MAGI-Based rules, a determination must be made for the individual's eligibility for initial Transitional Medicaid extension and a notice must be sent informing the individual of the following:
(a) the individual's eligibility for the extension and a medical card which lists all eligible members; and
(b) the requirement to report the family's gross monthly earnings by the 21st of the fourth month within the initial extension as a condition of eligibility for the additional extension (months seven - twelve); and
(c) the availability of a second six month extension; and
(d) the conditions under which the initial extension may be terminated.
(2) In the third month of the initial extension, a notice (which is due in the 4th month) will be sent informing the individual of the following:
(a) the requirement to report the family's gross earnings for each of the three prior months;
(b) the optional availability of a second six month extension (months seven - twelve);
(c) a description of when a premium is required, how it is calculated, and when payments are due; and
(d) a description of the scope of services provided within the second six months.
(3) In the sixth month of the initial extension, a notice (which is due in the 7th month) is required informing the individual of the following:
(a) the individual's option to continue into the second six month extension; the requirement for the family to file a report in the seventh month of its gross earnings and child care for the fourth, fifth, and sixth months of the extension;
(b) the amount of any premium, if any, due for the seventh, eighth, and ninth months of the extension;
(c) a description of the scope of services provided in the second extension; and
(d) a description of reinstatement for any remaining months of this extension.
E. Termination of Initial TM (Months one - six)
(1) TM will be terminated with adequate notice when a child no longer resides within the household.
(2) A determination of whether the individual is potentially eligible for any other MaineCare categories must be made prior to terminating extended coverage.
(3) In situations when the intended agency action is to terminate coverage, adequate and timely notice must be given to the recipient as described in Part 2, Section 15.

Section 4.2.2: Second Six Month Extension (Months seven - twelve)

A. Conditions of Eligibility
(1) An individual must have received TM for all six of the months within the initial extension to be offered the second extension.
(2) An individual must have filed a timely report of income in the fourth month as required.
(3) The parent/caretaker relative must remain employed in each month of the second six months. Individuals are only required to report a period of being unemployed at the time of filing an income report form. Good cause reasons will be considered for lack of employment and established by the Eligibility Specialist. Some reasons for good cause for lack of employment include but are not limited to:
(a) dismissal/termination by the employer;
(b) illness of employed individual;
(c) care of other ill family members who are residing within the household;
(d) loss of transportation;
(e) harassment;
(f) risk to health and safety;
(g) loss of child care if there is not any other adequate replacement; or
(h) other reasons which indicate the action was not deliberate or willful.
(4) Countable income is defined in Part 4. A family's countable income must be less than 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (See Chart 6.5) to be eligible. The countable income is tested for 185% upon receipt of the required income reports.
(5) Premiums will be charged for families whose countable income is greater than 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (See Chart 6.5) but less than 185%. The premium will be three per cent (3%) of the family's net income (see IV. E below).
(6) Included individuals do not have to cooperate in establishing paternity or in obtaining medical support and payments. Included individuals must comply with the rules on assigning rights to medical support (through Third Party Liability (TPL)).
B. Covered Individuals
(1) All family members who were members of a household under MAGI-Based coverage at the time of closing and/or whose needs and income were taken into account in determining MAGI-Based coverage (for example a parent returned to the home).
(2) Anyone who moves into the home after TM has started as long as that person would have been covered under MAGI-Based coverage if the family were applying in the current month.

For example:

a newborn a non-custodial parent returns a child moves into the home a stepparent moves into the home.
C. Budget Computations
(1) The only income used to determine if an individual remains eligible for TM is gross earnings of financially responsible adults, living within the household, and the gross earnings of any caretaker relative and their spouse or stepparent who is getting coverage.
(2) The actual cost for child care is an income deduction. Only that amount of child care costs necessary for the employment of the specified relative, will be allowed as a deduction as long as the family is liable for this expense.
(3) Countable income for use in TM is defined as gross earnings minus allowable child care deductions in meeting the 185% FPL test. Unearned income is not counted in the 185% FPL test.
(4) The family's countable income is determined from the two required reports for gross earnings and child care expenses. These reports are required in the fourth and seventh months during the extension.

A review is due in the 12th month in order to determine continuing eligibility for Medical coverage.

Countable income is determined as follows:

a Determine the family's total gross earnings for the required three month period.
b Deduct from gross wages the allowable child care costs necessary for the specified relative's employment.
c Divide by three to obtain the average monthly income.
d Compare the average monthly income to 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (See Chart 6) for the family size. If the income is equal to or less than the limit, the family remains eligible. If the income is greater than the limit, benefits are terminated with adequate notice.
(5) Premiums are required for families whose countable income is equal to or greater than 150% but less than 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (See Chart 6) for that family size.

Monthly premiums will equal 3% of the family's net income (rounded down to the nearest dollar) and are to be paid by the 21st of the month following the month for which coverage is being granted.


June coverage requires premium payment no later than July 21st. Net income for the purpose of establishing a premium is defined as gross earnings of financially responsible adults and caretaker relatives and their spouse/ stepparents who are being covered minus allowable tax and child care limited to only those amounts required by law. Allowable child care deductions are defined earlier in IV.B, above.

For a premium to be considered timely, it must be paid by the 21st of the month in which it is due. The Eligibility Specialist may consider a recipient's good cause reason for failure to pay a premium on time can be looked at for late payments that are received no later than the last day of the month in which the payment is due. Good cause is established by the Eligibility Specialist. Some reasons for good cause include but are not limited to:

(a) mail delay;
(b) planned absences previously reported;
(a) death or illness of a family member or responsible relative;
(c) other unanticipated emergencies; or
(d) circumstances beyond the control of the responsible relative.
(6) Premium Base Period

The premium charged, if applicable, for months seven, eight, and nine is based on the report filed in the fourth month of the initial extension. This report contains income from months one, two, and three of the initial extension.

The premium charged, if applicable, for months ten, eleven, and twelve is based on the report filed in the seventh month of the extension. This report contains income from months four, five, and six of the initial extension.

When coverage of the parent/caretaker relative ends due to non-payment, TM is possible for any remaining months of the extension. Prior to reinstatement any overdue premiums must be paid.


A parent receives coverage for June but fails to pay the required premium due no later than July 21st, therefore, coverage is closed August 31st. (June is the 7th month of the extension). In October the parent wants reinstatement for October (11th month). Since the parent already received coverage for June, July and August the premiums for these three months are required before current coverage can be granted for October. Upon payment for June, July and August coverage, the parent can be reinstated beginning with October coverage. The October premium is due no later than November 21st. Since coverage was not provided in September, no premiums are due for that month.

Note: When a parent has been closed for TM and there is an unpaid premium due, the Eligibility Specialist will refer the case to Third Party Liability (TPL) for possible collection.

D. Client Reporting Responsibilities
(1) There are two reports required during the TM extension. They are due by the 21st of the fourth and seventh months of the extension. Client must provide verification of income. Additional verification will only be needed if there is a change. In month twelve a review will occur to determine continuing eligibility for Medical coverage.
(2) Each family must report in the same month when a child no longer resides within its household or when there are any other changes in the family composition.
(3) Each family must report if the specified relative is no longer employed. Families are only required to report this information at the time of filing an income report form.

All other changes must be reported within the time frames outlined in Part 2, Section 12.2.

E. Agency Notice Requirements

A review is due in the 12th month. It is used to determine continuing eligibility for MaineCare coverage when TM ends.

F.Termination of Benefits for the Second Six Month Extension

TM will be closed with adequate notice when:

(1) a child no longer resides within the household. The coverage group must include a child, who resides in the household. This child must be under the age of eighteen or between the ages of 18 and 19, and a student regularly attending a secondary school on a full-time basis (or in the equivalent level of vocational or technical training at the high school level) and reasonably expected to complete the program prior to his or her 19th birthday.
(2) a required income report is not filed.
(3) the parent/caretaker relative is no longer employed. Note: good cause reasons will be considered for lack of employment and established by the Eligibility Specialist. Some reasons for good cause for lack of employment include but are not limited to:
(a) dismissal/termination by the employer;
(b) illness of employed individual;
(c) care of other ill family members who are residing within the household;
(d) loss of transportation;
(e) harassment;
(f) risk to health and safety;
(g) loss of child care if there is not any other adequate replacement; or
(h) other reasons which indicate the action was not deliberate or willful.
(4) when income increases above 185% of the FPL (See Chart 6).
(5) a required premium is not paid timely nor good cause granted.

A determination of whether the individual is potentially eligible for any other MaineCare categories must be made prior to the termination of Transitional Medicaid.

In situations when the intended Agency action is to terminate coverage, adequate and timely notice must be given to the recipient as described in Part 2, Section 15.

Section 4.3: Eligibility for Transitional Medicaid: Individuals Who Become Ineligible for MAGI-Based Coverage Due to Increased Alimony

Transitional Medicaid coverage for persons with increased alimony is limited to 4 months; it continues irrespective of other changes in household income or composition.

Coverage under a MAGI-based eligibility group must have been closed solely because of an increase in the amount of alimony being received by an individual in the household.

The individual must have been eligible under a MAGI-based eligibility group for three of the six months prior to the month he/she is determined ineligible.

At the end of the four month period, the individual's coverage is to be reviewed for potential future coverage. If eligibility does not exist, coverage is to be ended following advance notice procedures.

The four month count for extended Medicaid begins with the first month of ineligibility even though the closing under MAGI-based methodology is later.


A client reports in May that her alimony has increased and now the countable income exceeds program standards. The four month extension begins in May, even though the case cannot be closed for May.

10-144 C.M.R. ch. 332, § 3.5-4