10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 311, § II-III

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 144-311-II-III - Role of the Separate Administrative Unit:
A. Central Office SAU Responsibilities:
1. Program Direction and Supervision:

The Central Office SAU is responsible for the overall development and administration of the WIN Program to insure that the program direction, policies and procedures are carried out effectively throughout the State. Supervision entails the furnishing of necessary guidance and technical assistance to regional WIN staff and local SAU's to assure adequate quantity and quality of supportive services as well as an evaluation of program results.

2. Liaison with the Division of Employment Security:

Continuous liaison and coordination between the Department of Human Services and Department of Manpower Affairs is crucial and includes joint program evaluation, assessment and addressing of mutual problems. The Central Office SAU is also responsible for fostering the same degree of interagency cooperation at the regional and local level.

3. Program Planning:

The Central Office SAU is the focal point of responsibility for coordinating the IMU responsibility and all supportive services planning relative to WIN. The principal planning mechanism for supportive services is the Statewide Operational Plan, SOP, which is prepared jointly by the Central Office SAU and Division of Employment Security with input from Assistance Payments staff. The Central Office SAU must assure that the local SAU's are participating appropriately together with the DES for reviewing, evaluation and consolidating local operational plans into a comprehensive plan for the State.

B. Regional SAU Responsibilities:
1. Major Functions of SAU Worker:

The SAU worker at the regional level provides the pivotal service for all AFDC families who have one or more members active in the WIN Program. The workers primary functions are four-fold, case management, case monitoring, service provision and coordination with DES/WIN.

a. Case Management:

Case management responsibility involves a comprehensive assessment during the appraisal interview, the development of a service plan and the monitoring and follow-up of service plan implementation.

b. Case Monitoring:

Case monitoring responsibilities include responsibility for a continuous evaluation of service plan and a periodic assessment during the appraisal interview. It may also include a quarterly follow-up and reassessment on all cases certified with no service requested when such seems indicated, based on professional social work judgment. An example might be a mother with school age children who needed no service during the school year but might during the summer.

c. Service Provision:

Provision of services requires that the activities be directed toward removing barriers in order to enable a client to secure and maintain a specified goal. The SAU worker will arrange for those WIN supportive Services which support the goal of self-support; at times, the worker may also function as a generalist and provide the non-WIN services to the WIN participant or other members of the family when need arises.

d. Coordination and Cooperation with DES/WIN:

It is the responsibility of the SAU to coordinate and cooperate with the corresponding Division of Employment Security/WIN teams; this may include conducting joint interviews with clients, but must provide for an interchange of collected case data and a cooperative team approach in forming the Vocational and Special Plan for a given WIN participant. "Certified" means that a Request for Certification Form, 5-96, has been requested by DES/WIN with or without a request for services. Once Form 5-96 is signed by the SAU and returned, the case is certified.

2. Specific Activities of the SAU Worker:
a. provides a comprehensive assessment of the WIN participant's situation. Such assessment should be related to the development of a service plan and should take place before or during the appraisal interview.
b. participates with the client and DES/WIN team member in developing the service plan and vocational plan.
c. provides information and supportive counseling to individuals, families and groups with the focus on achieving tangible goals in accordance with the service plan.
d. records basic agency data and WIN/DES data.
e. reviews periodically, in accordance with Department policy, service plans in relation to service goals and service eligibility (both for WIN services and non-WIN services).
f. provides for referrals as part of working knowledge of educational and manpower programs with the community.
g. provides supportive counseling to WIN participants and members of their families to motivate participants in achieving their vocational goals. Assist them in understanding and utilizing appropriate resources as a part of the service plan.
h. arranges for preventive services with a focus on strengthening family life.
i. coordinates all services which relate to the service plan.
j. provides information and assists in obtaining and determining eligibility for certain specialty and facilitating services, i.e., housing, homemaker.
k. opens the case and records in the master file.
l. authorizes payment for certain services relating to service plan, such as child care and transportation. (identifying WIN services vs. non-WIN services).
m. provides information to the appropriate regional or Central Office WIN Coordinator, regarding gaps in services.
n. notifies IMU when 60-day counseling has begun with a mandatory participant who has refused to participate.
o. provides 60-day counseling to mandatory registrants who have been terminated. Such counseling must consist of:
1. a review of exemption criteria
2. a review of supportive needs
3. an explanation to the participant, his spouse or parent of the effect that termination from the program will have on the amount and form of assistance
4. an explanation of the time period the individual must wait before he may register with WIN
5. identification of service needs and development of mutually agreed upon service plan
p. attends all preappeal reviews and appeal hearings relative to a WIN registrant rendering his registration meaningless, i.e., a mandatory participant who has entered a 60-day counseling period due to refusal to participate.
q. contacts resources and accompanies clients to resources, interviewing in client's behalf when necessary as part of the service plan.
r. maintains constant communications with DES/WIN teams on social services and vocational issues including transfer of case records and statistical data.
s. maintains monthly statistics on caseloads.
t. contacts resource mobilization for information regarding purchase arrangements, placements, and availability.
u. terminates or transfers the case as part of the service plan.

10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 311, § II-III