10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 30, § 04

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

SUMMARY: This section establishes the adoption of OMB Circulars and other Federal and Department guidance applicable to the agreements between Community Agencies and the Department. Compliance and administrative requirements are outlined, including the appeals procedure for the appeals and resolution of financial issues arising from audits and Department examinations.


Administrative requirements and cost principles applicable to Federal funds are adopted as being applicable to Department funded agreements.


The Department will apply the following federal administrative requirements and cost principles to the following entities:

(a)Nonprofit Entity
(i) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-110, "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations".
(ii) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-122, "Cost Principles for Non- Profit Organizations".
(b)Educational Entity
(i) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-110, "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations".
(ii) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21, "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions".
(c)Public Entity
(i) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-102 (Common Rule), "Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments"
(ii) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87, "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments".
(d)For-Profit Entity
(i) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-102 (Common Rule), "Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments".
(ii) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87, "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments"

Community agencies receiving agreement funding shall follow the more restrictive of the applicable program regulations, Federal circulars, MAAP, and the agreement award.

1.Agreement Compliance
(a) In addition to the administrative requirements and cost principles, the Department has identified in the "Agreement Compliance Section" of the agreement award specific compliance categories that reference specific agreement conditions that could lead to material non-compliance: Bonding Requirement Budget Compliance Activities Allowed or Unallowed Allowable Costs/Cost Principles Cash Management Davis-Bacon Act Eligibility Equipment and Real Property Management Matching Level of Effort , Earmarking Period of Availability of Federal and State Funds Procurement and Suspension and Debarment Program Income Real Property Acquisition/Relocation Assistance Reporting Subrecipient Monitoring Special Tests And Provisions

These areas of compliance, as applicable, must be specifically referenced in each agreement with the community agency.

1.Contractual Process
(a) Community agencies enter into agreements with the Department to provide goods and/or services.
(b) All agreements with the Department include the agreement number, the agreement terms, the scope of goods and/or services to be provided, compliance requirements, method of payment, agreement budget, method of settlement, pro forma settlement, the types of reports due to the Department and the due dates of any required reports.
(c) All agreements are administered by a Department agreement administrator.
(d) The Department agreement administrator is responsible for administering the agreement during the agreement period. This includes approval authority for all payments made to the community agency, approval authority to any budget or budget revisions submitted to the Department by the community agency, agreement settlements and liquidation of all outstanding balances due to or from the Department.
(e) Review and approval of community agency submissions by the Department does not relieve the community agency from being audited according to MAAP and federal regulations in cases where this approval may be counter to MAAP and federal regulations.
2.Pro Forma
(a) The agreement must include a pro forma that clearly identifies the steps necessary to reach an accurate settlement.
(b) Community agencies entering into Department agreements must follow the cost sharing methodology described in the agreement and as reflected in the pro forma included in the agreement document except as detailed in (c) below.
(c) Community agencies are required to follow applicable federal circulars, program regulations and MAAP restrictions, even if those restrictions are not expressly set forth in the pro forma. For example, bad debt will always be eliminated against expense as an unallowable expense, even if the pro forma did not show bad debt being eliminated. If during the settlement process the community agency notes that the pro forma did not accurately reflect the restrictions imposed by federal circulars, program regulations and MAAP restrictions, the final settlement to the Department must be based on the actual restrictions even though not consistent with the agreement pro forma.
3.Revisions of Budgets and Program Plans

The community agency shall request prior written approval for budget revisions whenever one or more of the following conditions occur:

(a) The total expenses in personnel and all other category exceed the budgeted amount for that category by at least ten percent or $10,000, whichever is greater,
(b) The total expenses per subcontract vary from the budgeted amount by at least 10% or $1,000, whichever is greater.
(c) The total expenses in the equipment category exceed the budgeted amount by at least 10% or $1,000, whichever is greater,
(d) The total agency commitment differs from the budgeted amount,

The community agency must request a budget revision at least thirty (30) days prior to the agreement termination date. If revision approval is not granted in writing prior to the date of the required final report, all costs that exceed the budget thresholds shall be deemed questioned costs. In addition, any variance, if any, between the actual agency commitment and the budgeted amount shall be adjusted on the agreement settlement form prior to cost sharing.

4.Cost Sharing Settlements

The Department enters into agreements where the Department participates in programs with multiple funding sources. Below are Department cost sharing principles to be followed in the budgeting and settlement process:

(a) Unrestricted revenues shall be specifically identified as such in the agreement budget. These amounts are comprised of revenues such as private client fees and the community agency's commitment to the program. The agency's stated commitment to the program shall be included in the final settlement whether or not the community agency transferred these funds to the program. In addition, revenues that have been designated to the program by such sources as local governments, United Way or other private organizations or individuals will be identified as such in the agreement budget and treated as unrestricted revenue for cost sharing purposes. All unrestricted revenues are to be cost shared in the final settlement with the Department.
(b) Restricted revenue (revenue designated for a specific purpose) must be eliminated against program expenses dollar for dollar prior to cost sharing.
(c) Revenue from other federal and state funding sources that are not considered agreement revenue must be eliminated against program expense dollar for dollar prior to cost sharing.
(d) Program income such as client fees (program) must be eliminated against program expenses dollar for dollar prior to cost sharing. Client fees (private) must be made available for cost sharing, unless specifically restricted against identified expenses in the budgeting process.
(e) All MaineCare revenue, whether fee for service, unit based or cost settled, must be eliminated dollar for dollar against expense prior to cost sharing.
(f) An agency must eliminate all in-kind revenue and expenses prior to cost sharing. In-kind revenue and expenses are third party non-cash transactions that add benefits to a program.
(g) An agency must eliminate all subcontract revenues and related expenses prior to cost sharing.
(h) If an agreement award has multiple pro formas, a final settlement must be prepared consistent to the pro formas.
(i) The final financial report (agreement closeout report) must include the total Department agreement amount less any subcontract amount as available revenue for settlement purposes.
5.Liquidation of Outstanding Balances

Community agencies must liquidate any outstanding balance due the Department within ninety days after termination of an agreement (Note: The agreement can be more restrictive and require payment prior to the ninety days). If reimbursement is not made timely, the Department may charge interest based on the U.S. Treasury, Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA).

6.Examination Process
(a) The Division of Audit may elect to perform a Department examination of Tier 1 community agencies' ACR(s) as submitted to the Department.
(b) The Division of Audit will perform a desk review for Tier 1 A-133 and Tier 2 community agencies to determine compliance with the agreement, MAAP, and Federal Circular A-133 requirements, if applicable.
(c) The Division of Audit shall prepare an examination report of community agencies selected for Department examination. The results will be communicated to the community agency and the Department.
(d) Upon receipt of the Department examination report, the community agency has sixty (60) days to either accept or appeal. Acceptance shall include a corrective action plan responsive to all recommendations and full payment of any balances due. Failure to comply within the allotted time may result in sanctions being applied by the Department as described in Section .02 G.
(e) Periodically, the Division of Audit may elect to perform a quality control review of IPA's workpapers
1.Appeals Procedures

Step a - Director of Audit - Maine DHHS and Maine DOT

A community agency may appeal, in writing, the findings of a Department examination by submitting a letter of appeal in writing within sixty (60) days after receiving the report from the Department. The appeal letter must identify the issues being appealed and include the specific supporting documentation. It must be addressed to the Director of the Division of Audit at the Maine DHHS or to the Director of the Office of Audit at the Maine DOT.

The Director or the Director's designee will initiate a review of the audit appeal and will, as needed, consult with program management responsible for the affected agreements, agreement administrators, and other applicable and appropriate staff.

The Director or the Director's designee will issue a written decision on the appeal and the full basis of the decision to the community agency no later than sixty (60) days following the receipt of the appeal letter, unless both parties agree to an extension. The letter may be co-signed by other DHHS staff as applicable.

Step b - Agency appeal of Director of Division/Office of Audit Decision

1.Maine DHHS

If the community agency wishes to proceed further in its appeal, it may appeal to the DHHS Office of Administrative Hearings by submitting a notice of appeal in writing within sixty (60) days of receiving the decision from the Director of the Division of Audit. The issue(s) on appeal will be limited to what was raised at the Step a appeal. The hearing will be an Order of Reference appeal hearing. The hearing officer will issue a recommended decision to the Commissioner, who will issue a final decision.

2.Maine DOT

If the community agency wishes to proceed in its appeal, it may appeal to the Commissioner of Maine DOT within sixty (60) days of receiving the decision from the Director of the Office of Audit. The issue(s) on appeal will be limited to what was raised at the Step a appeal. The DOT Commissioner will issue the final decision.

Step c - Judicial appeal - Maine DHHS and Maine DOT

The community agency may appeal the DHHS or DOT Commissioner final decision by filing an appeal with the Maine Superior Court pursuant to the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 80C and 5 M. R.S.A.§ 11001, et seq.

2.Resolution of Appeals

When the community agency chooses not to further pursue its appeal, or the appeal process has been exhausted, or the Department and community agency reach agreement, a letter will be sent by the Department confirming the terms of the settlement or clarifying the terms of the Commissioner's final decision.

The community agency must within thirty (30) days of receipt of the letter, as applicable;

(a) Make full payment of any balance due;
(b) If full payment cannot be made for good cause, the agency will make arrangement for a repayment plan acceptable to the Department.
(c) The agency will also submit a corrective action plan acceptable to the Department regarding any findings noted in the examination report.
(a) Failure to comply with Section .04 D. 2. above, may result in sanctions being applied by the Department as described in Section .02 G.
(b) The Department may refer the matter over to the Attorney General or to a collection agency.

10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 30, § 04