Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 144-220-E-C-11 - Inspection and maintenance of radiation machines, radiographic exposure devices, transport and storage containers, associated equipment, source changers, and survey instrumentsA. Each radiographer shall perform visual and operational checks on radiation machines, survey meters, radiographic exposure devices, transport and storage containers, associated equipment and source changers before use on each day the equipment is to be used to ensure that the equipment is in good working condition, that the sources are adequately shielded, and that required labeling is present. Survey instrument operability must be performed using check sources or other appropriate means. If equipment problems are found, the equipment must be removed from service until repaired.B. Each licensee and registrant shall have written procedures for:(1) Inspection and routine maintenance of radiation machines, radiographic exposure devices, source changers, associated equipment, transport and storage containers, and survey instruments at intervals not to exceed three months or before the first use thereafter to ensure the proper functioning of components important to safety. Replacement components shall meet design specifications. If equipment problems are found, the equipment must be removed from service until repaired. All appropriate components shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturers' specifications. Radiation machines, radiographic exposure devices, transport containers and source changers being stored are exempted from this requirement provided that each radiation machine, radiographic exposure device, transport container, or source changer is inspected and repaired prior to being returned to service. This inspection and maintenance program shall cover, as a minimum, the items listed in Appendix B of this Part; and(2) Inspection and maintenance necessary to maintain the Type B packaging used to transport radioactive materials. The inspection and maintenance program must include procedures to assure that Type B packages are shipped and maintained in accordance with the certificate of compliance or other approval.C. Records of equipment problems and of any maintenance performed under paragraphs A and B of this section must be made in accordance with E.32.10-144 C.M.R. ch. 220, § E-C-11