Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 144-2-1.2 - DefinitionsAs used in these rules, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise indicates:
A.Agency-wide audit. "Agency-wide audit" means a financial audit of all agency funds, restricted and unrestricted, by an independent qualified outside auditor which leads to submission of agency financial statements as of the end of the CAA's fiscal year. Such agency financial statements at a minimum shall include: 1. Auditor's report (opinion).2. Statement of support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances, showing unrestricted and restricted funds.3. Comparative consolidated Agency Balance Sheet showing unrestricted and restricted funds.4. Appropriate notes to financial statements.5. A schedule of grant Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Grant Balances.B.Community Action Agency. "Community Action Agency" (CAA) means a private, nonprofit agency which has previously been designated by and authorized to accept funds from the federal Community Services Administration under the United States Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.C.Conflict of interest. "Conflict of interest" means any of the following: 1. A person employed by a community action agency while serving, or while a member of his or her immediate family serves, on a board or committee of that agency if that board or committee has authority to order personnel actions affecting his or her job;2. A board member of a community action agency participating in any decision affecting an organization of which he/she is also an officer or employee when the organization is contracting with that agency to perform a component of its CSBG work program3. A person whose salary is paid for in whole or in part with CSBG funds for a job over which a member of his or her immediate family exercises supervisory authority; or4. A board member participating in any decision in which the member or a member of his/her immediate family has a direct or indirect financial interest.D.Delegate agency. "Delegate agency" means any agency, corporation, municipality, board or council which receives CSBG funds from a community action agency under the terms of any agreement, subcontract or contract for special services when such funds exceed $20,000 in any program year.E.Direct service. "Direct service" means an expenditure that is directly attributable to a client benefit and is not an agency or program administrative cost.F..Division "Division" means the Division of Community Services, within the Executive Department, State of Maine, or its successor agency.G.Immediate family. "Immediate family" means any of the following persons: husband, wife, father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, son, son-in-law daughter, daughter-in-law.H.Low-income person. "Low-income person" means a person whose income is at or below 150% of the poverty line promulgated by the federal Office of Management and Budget or who is eligible for any other program which has income guidelines and is operated by the community action agency.I.Procurement standards. "Procurement standards" means procedures for purchasing property, services, equipment and inventory for programs operated in whole or in part with CSBG funds which are consistent with the provisions of Attachment 0 of OMB Circular A-110, Section 1.8 of these rules and Attachment A.J.Property management standards. "Property management standards" means procedures for maintaining and disposing of property acquired in whole or in part with CSBG funds which are consistent with the provisions of Attachment N to OMB Circular A-110 and Section 1.8(B) of these rules.K.Service area. "Service area" means the geographic area within the jurisdiction of the community action agency and which area is to be served with CSBG funds. In no event shall the geographic boundaries of a CSBG service area be different from those of a county in the State of Maine, unless specifically authorized by the Director of the Division, provided that a community action agency may target CSBG funds to specific communities within this service area in light of the following factors:1. The extent of persistent unemployment and underemployment;2. The number and proportion of persons receiving cash or other assistance on a needs basis from public agencies or private organizations;3. The number of migrant or transient low-income families;4. School dropout rates, or other incidence of low educational attainment.5. The incidence of disease, disability and infant mortality;6. Substandard housing conditions;7. Adequacy of community facilities and services; and8. The incidence of crime and juvenile delinquency. Notwithstanding the above factors, residents of all communities within the community action agency's service area shall be eligible for CSBG-funded services.
10-144 C.M.R. ch. 2, § 1.2