10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 103, § V-5.3

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 144-103-V-5.3 - Payment

Payment is due on the first day of each month for which coverage is being granted. A grace period to the end of the month is allowed for late payment. If payment is not received on or before the premium due date, the recipient will be notified that i$ the premium is not received by the end of the grace period, eligibility will end the last day of the month unless good cause is established. Good cause can be established by the Eligibility Specialist.

Example: A recipient is determined eligible for the "transition" Program for the month of June. The June premium payment is due June 1st. The grace period ends June 30th. If payment is not received by June 30th, the recipient is terminated for nonpayment of the premium effective June 30th.

The premium must be paid by check or money order payable to the Treasurer, State of Maine and sent or delivered to the Medical Assistance Unit at the Department's Regional Office which covers the area in which the recipient lives. Cash will not be accepted.

10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 103, § V-5.3