Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Subsection 144-101-III-97-3300 - UNIFORM COST REPORTS3300.1 The Department requires all PNMIs to submit cost reports. Cost reports, as prescribed herein, must be mailed to the State of Maine, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Audit, and to the Division of Financial Services, Office of MaineCare Services, 11 State House Station, Augusta, ME, 04333-0011. Those out-of-state providers who are using another state's Medicaid rate or have two or fewer MaineCare residents must obtain prior authorization from the OMS Division of Financial Services, # 11 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0011 to be exempted from filing a cost report. The facility's financial statements will be the basis for completing the cost report. The cost reports must be based on the fiscal year of the facility. If the provider determines from its as filed cost report that it owes money to the Department, a check equal to 100% of the amount owed to the Department must accompany the cost report. If the Department does not receive a check with the cost report, the Department may elect to offset, pursuant to State and federal law, the current payments to the facility until the entire amount is collected from the provider.3300.2 Forms/Electronic Media. The Department will supply annual cost report forms/electronic media for use by PNMIs in the State of Maine.3300.3 Each PNMI in Maine must submit a completed annual cost report within five months of the end of each fiscal year on forms/media prescribed by the Division of Audit. If available, the PNMI will submit a copy of the cost report on a computer disk or electronically. The inclusive dates of the reporting year are the 12-month period of each provider's fiscal year, unless advance authorization to submit a report for a lesser period has been granted by the Director of the Division of Audit. Failure to submit an acceptable cost report in the time prescribed above may result in the Department imposing the deficiency per diem rate described in Section 7000.
3300.4 Certification by operator. Each provider must examine the cost report and supporting schedules prepared for submission to the Department and must certify that the report is a true, correct, and complete statement prepared from the books and records of the provider. The owner or administrator of the PNMI must certify the cost report. If someone other than the owner or administrator prepares the return, the preparer must also sign the report.3300.5 The provider must submit the Cost Report with required supporting documentation to the Division of Audit. Supporting documentation requirements are defined by the Division of Audit. Supporting documentation includes, at a minimum, financial statements and reconciliation of the financial statements to the cost report. All cost reports must bear original signatures. Providers must also submit a copy of the cost report without supporting documentation to the Division of Financial Services at the Office of MaineCare Services.
3300.6 Cents are omitted in the preparation of all schedules except when inclusion is required to properly reflect per diem costs or rates.3300.7 The Division of Audit may reject any cost report filing that does not comply with these regulations. In such case, the report will be deemed not filed, until refiled and in compliance. A rejected cost report will subject the provider to the deficiency per diem as stated in Section 7000. 3300.8 Extension for filing of the cost report with the required supporting documentation beyond the prescribed deadline will only be granted under the regulations stated in the Medicare Provider Reimbursement Manual (HIM-15).3300.9 When a provider fails to file an acceptable cost report by the required date, the Department will send the provider a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, advising the provider that all payments will be suspended until an acceptable cost report is filed. Reimbursement will then be reinstated at the full rate from that time forward, but reimbursement for the suspension period will be at the deficiency rate as stated in Section 7000. C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. III, 144-101-III-97, subsec. 144-101-III-97-3300