10-144-101 Me. Code R. § III-97-F-2400

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 144-101-III-97-F-2400 - ALLOWABILITY OF COST
2400.1Salaries and Wages for Direct Service Staff

Allowable costs shall include salaries and wages for direct service staff and services, as defined in Chapter II, Section 97, as listed below:

Registered nurses

Licensed practical nurses

Licensed social workers

Personal care services staff

Other qualified medical and remedial staff

Other qualified mental health staff

Clinical consultant services

All staff must meet qualification requirements specified in Chapter II, Section 97.

It is the responsibility of the PNMI to provide and coordinate all covered services performed by direct care staff listed in this Section to assure that members receive the full range of services necessary to meet members' needs without duplication of services. See MaineCare Benefits Manual (MBM), Chapter II, Section 97, Sections 97.04 and 97.05 regarding covered services and non-duplication of services.

2400.2A program allowance, expressed as a percentage of the allowable costs, as defined in Chapter III, Section 97, Sections 2400 will be allowed in lieu of indirect and/or PNMI related cost.
2400.3Personal care services include salaries, wages, benefits, and consultant fees for laundry, housekeeping, and dietary services.

The personal care services component is determined by inflating the most recent audited costs for these services to the facility's fiscal year ending after July 1, 2002. This becomes the PNMI's facility-specific personal care cap. The personal care cap is deducted from the facility's routine costs as of July 1, 2002. The actual allowable personal care services costs will be settled at audit up to this facility-specific cap.

2400.4Tax and Benefit Costs

Allowable costs include, in addition to salaries and wages, the taxes and benefit costs described in Chapter III.

2400.5Staffing Approvals

The Department shall approve staffing based on the services necessary to carry out individualized service plans at an accepted standard of care. In the case of services that were created as a result of a competitive bidding (request for proposal) process, the provider must deliver the services accepted and approved by the Department during that process. The Department will use the description of the PNMI services, and any additional information from onsite review or surveys of the facility, including payroll information, as the basis for reviewing/approving staff.

2400.5.1Additional Requirements for Staffing Approvals

Staffing approvals may, at the discretion of the Department, be accompanied by requirements with regard to admission, discharge and service provision, non-discrimination, reasonable accommodation, dispute resolution procedures, quality improvement practices, access to departmental consultants, training, and other areas as may be required to provide members with a person centered service plan.

2400.5.2Audit of Approvals

All approvals are subject to audit. Those staffing hours not utilized for the purpose approved by the Department will be disallowed at audit, either in whole or in part.

2400.6Consultation Services

Consultation services referred to in this Appendix may be considered as part of the allowable per diem cost, with the prior approval of the Department, in accordance with the following:

2400.6.1Pharmacy Consultants. Pharmacy consultant services are allowable to the extent required by the applicable licensing regulations.
2400.6.2R.N. Consultants. R.N. consultant services are allowable to the extent required by the applicable licensing regulations for residential care facilities. If a provider employs an R.N. as part of approved direct care staffing, the provider shall submit written justification when seeking approval for consultant services.
2400.6.3Dietary Consultants. Dietary consultant services shall be allowed for the development of therapeutic diets prescribed by a physician and when necessary to monitor and address specific nutritional problems.
2400.6.4Procedure for Requesting Approval of Staffing/Consultant Costs. Providers must make written requests for staffing approvals to the Department. The request must explain the circumstances that justify the request and the total cost to implement the request, including wages, taxes and benefits; financial information; specifics related to resident needs; operational costs; and other information as requested by the Department.
2400.6.5Denials. Requests will not be approved if they are intended to circumvent limitations established by the Department. All approvals are subject to audit and a test of reasonableness and necessity. Those not utilized for the purpose approved by the Department will be disallowed at audit, either in whole or in part.
2400.7Department Approved Training

Department-approved training is an allowable cost.

2400.8Medical Supplies

Medical supplies are an allowable cost.

2400.9Costs Related to Accreditation

If the Department requires a provider to maintain an accredited status with a recognized accreditation organization, then the costs related to accreditation are allowable.

2400.10Allowable costs will also include the contract fee paid for use of exchange fellows in lieu of direct service staff as defined in the applicable appendix. Contract fees must be prior-approved by Department. The contract fee paid cannot exceed the normal salary plus benefits and taxes for comparable direct service staff within the provider agency.
2410State-Mandated Service Fee

As of July 1, 2004, allowable costs shall include a State-mandated service tax. The State-mandated service tax is a tax on the value of PNMI services pursuant to 36 M.R.S. §2552.

2420Program Allowance

A program allowance, expressed as a percentage of the allowable costs in Sections 2400 through 2410 will be allowed in lieu of indirect and/or PNMI related cost. The program allowance, as set forth in Chapter III, Section 97, is a percentage specific to this Appendix and is applicable to all facilities covered under this Appendix. The program allowance will be 35%.

2430Temporary High Intensity Staffing Services

Temporary High Intensity Staffing Services are reimbursed on a direct care price. This direct care price is not subject to audit. The Temporary High Intensity Staffing Services remittances received will be removed from the total Direct Service Staff costs in determining the allowable cost for the PNMI rehabilitation and personal care direct service staff costs.

2440Extraordinary Circumstance Allowance

Pending CMS approval, effective retroactive to November 1, 2017, eligible facilities, as defined in Principle 1030, which experience unforeseen and uncontrollable events during a year that result in unforeseen or uncontrollable increases in expenses, as defined herein, may request an adjustment to a prospective rate in the form of an extraordinary circumstance allowance (ECA).

Unforeseen means that a provider did not have sufficient notice of the change to make changes to their operations that would have avoided the cost of the event.

Uncontrollable means that the event occurred as a result of forces unrelated to the discretionary management authority exercised by the provider's organization. Business decisions are not considered uncontrollable.

ECA may include, but not limited to:

* Events of a catastrophic nature (fire, flood, etc.);

* Unforeseen increase in minimum wage, Social Security, or employee retirement contribution expenses in lieu of Social Security expenses;

* Changes in number of licensed beds;

* Changes in licensure or accreditation requirements.

If the Department concludes that an ECA existed, and the increased costs are considered reasonable and necessary, and an adjustment will be made by the Department in the form of a supplemental allowance.

The Department will determine from the nature of the ECA whether it would have a continuing impact and therefore whether the allowance should be included in the computation of the base rate for the succeeding year. Reimbursement to a residential care facility for additional costs arising from ECA must be paid via a supplemental payment that is added to the per diem reimbursement rate until the Department adjusts the direct care and personal care services rates, as applicable, to fairly reimburse a facility for these costs.

A request for ECA must be made in writing and addressed to:

Department of Health and Human Services

Director of Rate-setting

11 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333

The written request must include:

1. The reason(s) for the ECA request;
2. The dollar amount of the ECA request;
3. The expected/anticipated duration of the need for the ECA;
4. An explanation of how the ECA request is both unforeseen and uncontrollable; and
5. All documentation supporting the ECA request.

The Department may require additional documentation to review and process the ECA request. A facility requesting an ECA shall provide all documents requested by the Department. The Department shall deny any ECA requests from facilities who refuse to supply requested documentation.

2450Regulatory Compliance Costs

Pending CMS approval, effective retroactive to November 1, 2017, costs incurred by a residential care facility to comply with changes in federal or state laws, regulations, and rules or local ordinances and not otherwise specified in rules adopted by the Department are considered reasonable and necessary cost. Reimbursement for these additional regulatory costs will be paid via a supplemental payment that is added to the per diem reimbursement rate until the Department adjusts the direct care and personal care services rates, as applicable to fairly and properly reimburse a facility for these costs.

Requests for adjustments must be made in writing and addressed to:

Department of Health and Human Services

Director of Rate-Setting

11 State House Station 5

Augusta, ME 04333

The Department may deny or modify the adjustment request based on documentation provided for review. The Department will provide written notification of adjustment request determination.

10-144 C.M.R. ch. 101, § III-97-F-2400