C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. II, 144-101-II-96, subsec. 144-101-II-96.01

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Subsection 144-101-II-96.01 - DEFINITIONS
96.01-1Private Duty Nursing (PDN) and Personal Care Services (PCS) are those covered services provided to an eligible Member, as defined in this Section, when determined to be medically necessary, when prior approved, and in the best interest of the Member according to the orders and written plan of care reviewed and signed by a licensed physician. With the exception of those medically necessary services that are prior authorized for children under the age of 21, all services provided are not to exceed the cost limits set forth in Section 96.03.
96.01-2Covered Services are those services for which payment can be made under Title XIX or XXI by the Department of Health and Human Services.
96.01-3Private Duty Nursing Services are those services that are provided by a registered nurse and/or a licensed practical nurse, in accordance with the Board of Nursing Regulations, under the direction of the Member's physician, to a Member in his or her place of residence or outside the Member's residence, when normal life activities take the Member outside his or her residence (school, preschool, daycare, medical appointments, etc.). Reimbursement for services provided outside a Member's residence can include only authorized nursing services and authorized personal care services and may not exceed that which would have been allowed strictly in a home setting. For purposes of this Section, "place of residence" does not include such institutional settings as nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICFs-IID), or hospitals. If nursing services are covered under a private non-medical institution's per diem rate, then Level I, II, III, VI, VII private duty nursing services are not allowed under this Section.
96.01-4Personal Care Services are those Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), and medication administration services provided to a Member by a home health aide, certified nursing assistant, personal support specialist (PSS), or certified residential medication aide (CRMA), as appropriate, while completing tasks in accordance with an authorized plan of care. Under this Section, personal care services are not covered in the following settings: nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, hospitals, or adult family care homes, or assisted living facilities that do not meet the definition in § 96.01-28. If personal care services are covered under a private non-medical institution's per diem rate, then Level I, II, III, VI, VII personal care services are not allowed under this Section.
96.01-5A Unit of Service is a reimbursable unit of direct service as specified in Chapter III of this Section. A unit of service requires personal contact in or outside the Member's place of residence made for the purpose of providing a covered service. When two or more persons provide separate and distinct types of services simultaneously, each must be recorded separately.
96.01-6Average Monthly Cost is one twelfth of the average annual cost of nursing facility services as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services. The costs of MaineCare physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and hearing services and medical social worker services shall not be included in the calculation of this average monthly cost.
96.01-7Cuing means any spoken instruction or physical guidance which serves as a signal to do something. Cuing is typically used when caring for individuals who are cognitively impaired.
96.01-8Limited Assistance is a term used to describe an individual's self-care performance in activities of daily living, as defined by the Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment process. It means that although the individual was highly involved in the activity over the last 7 days, or 24 to 48 hours if in a hospital setting, help of the following type(s) was provided:

- Guided maneuvering of limbs or other non-weight-bearing assistance three or more times, or

- Guided maneuvering of limbs or other non-weight-bearing assistance three or more times plus weight-bearing support provided only one or two times.

96.01-9One-person Physical Assist requires one person to provide either weight-bearing or non-weight-bearing assistance for an individual who cannot perform the activity independently over the last 7 days, or 24 to 48 hours if in a hospital setting. This does not include cuing.
96.01-10Extensive Assistance means although the individual performed part of the activity over the last 7 days, or 24 to 48 hours if in a hospital setting, help of the following type(s) was provided:

- Weight-bearing support three or more times, or

- Full staff performance during part (but not all) of the last 7 days.

96.01-11Total Dependence means full staff performance of the activity during the entire previous 7 day period across all shifts, or during each 8 hour period in 24 hours.
96.01-12Significant Change means a major change in the Member's status that is not self-limiting, impacts on more than one area of functional or health status, and requires multi-disciplinary review or revision of the plan of care. A significant change assessment is appropriate if there is a consistent pattern of change with either two or more areas of improvement, or two or more areas of decline.
96.01-13Assessing Services Agency (ASA) is authorized to conduct face-to-face assessments, using the Department's Medical Eligibility Determination (MED) form, and the timeframes and definitions contained therein, to determine medical eligibility for covered services. Based upon a Member's assessment outcome scores recorded in the MED form, the ASA is responsible for authorizing a plan of care, which must specify all services to be provided under this Section, including the number of hours for services, and the provider types. The ASA is the Department's Authorized Entity for medical eligibility determinations, care plan development, and authorization of covered services under this Section. The ASA conducts assessments for all Members age 21 and over and those under age 21 receiving care under the family provider services option, and excluding those Members classified for medication or venipuncture services under this Section.
96.01-14Authorized Entity means an organization authorized by the Department to perform functions under a valid contract or other approved, signed agreement. The Assessing Services Agency is the Authorized Entity under this Section.
96.01-15Service Coordination Agency is an organization that has the capacity to provide Care Coordination and Skills Training to eligible Members under Private Duty Nursing and Personal Care Services, and has met the MaineCare provider enrollment requirements of the Department. In addition to Care Coordination and Skills Training, the Service Coordination Agency is responsible for administrative functions, including but not limited to, maintaining Member records, submitting claims, conducting internal utilization and quality assurance activities, and meeting the reporting requirements of the Department. The Service Coordination Agency must coordinate with the Department's contracted Fiscal Intermediary for those Members who have chosen to direct their personal care services through the FPSO. The Service Coordination Agency providing care coordination services to a Member may not be a provider of direct care services.
96.01-16Contraindicated means the Member's condition renders some particular line of treatment improper or undesirable.
96.01-17Medical Eligibility Determination Form means the form approved by the Department for medical eligibility determinations and service authorization for the plan of care based upon the assessment outcome scores. The definitions, scoring mechanisms and time-frames relating to this form are outlined in Section 96.02-4 and provide the basis for services and the care plan authorized by the ASA. The care plan summary contained in the MED form documents the authorized service plan. The care plan summary also identifies other services the Member is receiving, in addition to the authorized services provided under this Section. For all Members age 21 and over, and those under age 21 receiving care under the family provider services option, and excluding those classified for medication services or venipuncture services under this Section, the Assessing Services Agency has the authority to conduct the medical eligibility determination. For all Members under age 21, excluding those receiving care under the family provider service option, and for all those classified for medication services or venipuncture services under this Section, the PDN provider conducts the medical eligibility determination.
96.01-18Authorized Plan of Care means a plan of care that is authorized by the Assessing Services Agency, or the Department, which shall specify all services to be delivered to a Member under this Section, including the number of hours for all covered services. The plan of care must be based upon the Member's assessment outcome scores recorded in the Department's medical eligibility determination form.
96.01-19Activities of Daily Living (ADL) that will be considered for the purpose of determining eligibility are:
A.Bed Mobility: How person moves to and from lying position, turns side to side, and positions body while in bed;
B.Transfer: How person moves between surfaces to/from: bed, wheelchair, standing position (excluding to/from bath/toilet);
C.Locomotion: How person moves between locations, in room and other areas. If in wheelchair, self-sufficiency once in chair;
D.Eating: How person eats and drinks (regardless of skill);
E.Toilet Use: How person uses the toilet room (or commode, bedpan, urinal), transfers on/off toilet, cleanses, changes pad, manages ostomy or catheter, adjusts clothes;
F.Bathing: How person takes full-body bath/shower, sponge bath and transfers in/out of tub/shower (exclude washing of back and hair); and
G.Dressing: How person puts on, fastens, and takes off all items of street clothing, including donning/removing prosthesis.
96.01-20Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) for the purpose of determining eligibility, include only the following: main meal preparation; routine housework; grocery shopping and storage of purchased groceries; and laundry either within the residence or at an outside laundry facility.
96.01-21Unstable medical condition is when the Member's condition is fluctuating in an irregular way and/or is deteriorating and affects the Member's ability to function independently. The fluctuations are to such a degree that medical treatment and professional nursing observation, assessment and management at least once every 8 hours is required. An unstable medical condition requires increased physician involvement and should result in communication with the physician for adjustments in treatment and medication. Evidence of fluctuating vital signs, lab values, and physical symptoms and plan of care adjustments must be documented in the medical record. The loss of function resulting from a temporary disability from which full recovery is expected does not constitute an unstable medical condition.
96.01-22Health Maintenance Activities are activities to assist the Member with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, and additional activities specified in this definition. These activities are performed by a designated caregiver for an individual who would otherwise perform the activities, if he or she were physically or cognitively able to do so and enable the individual to live in his or her home and community. These additional activities include, but are not limited to, catheterization, ostomy care, preparation of food and tube feedings, bowel treatments, administration of medications, care of skin with damaged integrity, occupational and physical therapy activities such as assistance with prescribed exercise regimes.
96.01-23Family Provider Service Option is an option available to certain eligible Members that allows the Member to manage his or her own personal care services. The management includes: hiring, firing, training, maintaining records and scheduling the personal support specialist(s). If the MaineCare Member does not have the ability or does not desire to manage his or her own care, a family Member related by blood, marriage or adoption, or a significant other in a committed partnership, can manage the personal support services on the Member's behalf. To use the family provider service option, the MaineCare Member, or his or her family Member, as applicable, must be a family provider agency.
96.01-24Family Provider Agency is a State-registered personal care services agency that manages personal care services for up to two Members of a given family, under the family provider service option.
96.01-25Fiscal Intermediary (FI) is an organization that provides administrative and payroll services on behalf of a family provider agency for the services of personal care assistants under the family provider service option. FI services include, but are not limited to, preparing payroll and withholding taxes, making payments to suppliers of goods and services and ensuring compliance with State and Federal tax and labor regulations and the requirements under this Section.
96.01-26Cognitive Capacity is determined during the MED assessment process conducted by the ASA RN assessor. For purposes of this Section, sufficient cognitive capacity is established by any combination of the MED scores specified below for all of the following items:
A. decision making skills: a score of 0 or 1; and
B. making self understood: a score of 0, 1, or 2; and
C. ability to understand others: a score of 0, 1, or 2; and
D. self performance of managing finances: a score of 0, 1, or 2; and
E. support for managing finances: a score of 0, 1, 2, or 3.
96.01-27Medication Administration for Level IX is the daily administration of routine prescription medications performed by a Certified Residential Medication Aide (CRMA) in a licensed assisted living facility, as defined in § 96.01-28, that holds a valid contract with the Office of Aging and Disability Services (OADS) and under the supervision of a Registered Nurse.
96.01-28Licensed Assisted Living Agency is an agency licensed with the Department as an assisted living program and holds a valid contract with the Office of Aging and Disability Services to provide services. These providers employ CRMAs with the intention to serve MaineCare Members who have daily medication administration needs as outlined in Level IX.
96.01-29.Acute/Emergency Episode is the unforeseen occurrence of an acute health episode that requires a change in the member's physician-ordered treatment plan and authorized plan of care, or the unforeseen circumstance where the availability of the member's caregiver, or informal support system is compromised.
96.01-30.Care Coordination Services are those covered services provided by a care coordinator who is employed, or contracted, by the Service Coordination Agency to help the Member access the services in the plan of care as authorized by the Department or its Authorized Entity. The purpose of Care Coordination Services is to assist Members in receiving appropriate, effective and efficient services, which allow them to retain or achieve the maximum amount of independence possible and desired. Care Coordination Services are designed to assist the Member with identifying immediate and long-term needs so that the Member is offered choices in service delivery based on his/her needs, preferences, and goals. Care Coordination Services may assist with locating service providers, overseeing the appropriateness of the plan of care by regularly obtaining Member feedback, and monitoring the Member's health status. Care coordination Services are covered under this Section only for Members age 21 years or older receiving services under levels I, II, III, V and VIII, or under 21 years receiving services under the FPSO. Care Coordination Services are not covered under for those Members receiving services under Levels VI, VII and IX.
96.01-31Skills Training is a service that provides Members with the information and skills to assist them in carrying out their responsibilities when choosing to participate in the self-directed option. This is a required service for those Members choosing the FPSO.
96.01-32Custodial Care means care provided on a continuous basis without any clinical improvement.
96.01-33Respite Care means those services provided at home or in a facility to temporarily relieve the family or other caregivers who usually provide such services to the Member.

C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. II, 144-101-II-96, subsec. 144-101-II-96.01