Physical Therapist
Physical Therapy Assistant
All professional staff must be conditionally, temporarily, or fully licensed as documented by written evidence from the appropriate governing body. All professional staff must provide services only to the extent permitted by licensure. A Physical Therapist may be self-employed or employed by an agency or business. Agencies or businesses may enroll as a provider of service and bill directly for services provided by qualified staff. A Physical Therapy Assistant may not enroll as an independent billing provider.
Providers must maintain a specific record for each member, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
The physician or primary care provider must review, sign and date the member's plan of care at least once every three (3) months for adult members (age twenty-one (21) and over). The plan of care must be kept in the member's record and is subject to Departmental review along with the contents of the member's record.
Entries are required for each service billed. When the services delivered vary from the plan of care, entries in the member's record must justify why more, less, or different care than that specified in the plan of care was provided.
The Department or its authorized agent has the right to perform utilization review. If at any point of an illness or disabling condition, it is determined that the expectation for measurable functionally significant improvement will not be realized, or if they are already realized and no more services are needed, the services are no longer considered reasonable and necessary, and will not be covered.
Requirements for Program Integrity are detailed in Chapter I of the MaineCare Benefits Manual.
C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. II, 144-101-II-85, subsec. 144-101-II-85.09