C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. II, 144-101-II-18, subsec. 144-101-II-18.07

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Subsection 144-101-II-18.07 - LIMITS

The following service limits apply to each member:

18. 07-1 Assistive Technology Services- Assistive Technology Services are limited to as described in the covered service 18-05-1. Each system or device will be revised based on medical necessity, efficiency and meets compatibility with safety needs.
18. 07-2 Care Coordination Services- Care Coordination Services are limited to 400 units for the first year in which the member receives services under this Section and 200 units every year after the initial year. The Care Coordination provider may not offer any other services to the member under this Section.
18. 07-3 Career Planning-The maximum annual allowance is 60 hours to be delivered within a six month period. No two six month periods may be provided concurrently. Career Planning may not be provided at the same time as Home Support, Employment Specialist Services or Work Support.
18. 07-4 Community/Work Reintegration-A member may have up to 72 units per week of either Community/Work Reintegration, Self Care/Home Management Reintegration or any combination of both. A member may not also access the state plan service in the MaineCare Benefits Manual, Section 102, "Rehabilitative Services".
18.07-5 Home Support Services- are limited as follows:
A. Home Support Services (1/4 hour) Level I-are limited to 64 units per day.
B. Home Support Services (Remote Support)- are limited to 64 units per day.
C. Home Support Services (Increased Neurobehavioral) Level III per diem - Members receiving this service are not authorized to have Self/Home Management Reintegration, Work/Community Reintegration, or Work Ordered Day Club House as separate services.
18. 07-6 Self Care/Home Management Reintegration- A member may have up to 72 units per week of either Community/Work Reintegration, Self Care/Home Management Reintegration or any combination of both. A member may not also access the state plan service in the MaineCare Benefits Manual, Section 102, "Rehabilitative Services".
18. 07-7 Work Ordered Day Club House- Members may attend Work Ordered Day Club House 3 days a week, per diem (3-5 hours a day).
18. 07-8 Work SupportServices-Work Support Services are limited to 64 units per week,not to exceed 3328 units per service year.
18. 07-9 Section 18,"Home and Community Based Services for Adults with Brain Injury",may not be provided in a residence where other Home and Community Based Waiver services are provided. Exceptions to this limit will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Department. Consideration of this exception will be contingent on the member's Care Plan ensuring that all identified services will be delivered without compromising the quality of care, and on all aspects of the costs of services being clearly delineated in order to demonstrate that there is not blending of financial benefits between the members served.

C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. II, 144-101-II-18, subsec. 144-101-II-18.07