Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Subsection 144-101-II-107.02 - DEFINITIONS107.02-01Abuse or Neglect is a threat to a child's health or welfare as defined in 22 M.R.S. §4002(1); or Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of an adult means those terms as defined in 22 M.R.S. §3472.107.02-02Caregiver is an individual who is responsible for the custodial care, and protective oversight and supervision of a youth. Caregivers may include but are not limited to a member's parents, babysitter, immediate or extended family, other natural supports fulfilling this role, or professional staff providing protective oversight and supervision in a variety of settings.107.02-03Child and Adolescent Needs & Strengths (CANS) assessment is a multipurpose tool that assesses the needs and strengths of children and adolescents with mental illness, developmental disabilities/intellectual disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders. The CANS may be used to support decision making (including level of care and service planning), to facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and to allow for the monitoring of outcomes of services.107.02-04Clinical Staff means licensed staff, to include the following: 1. Physicians, including psychiatrists2. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners3. Registered Nurses (RNs)4. Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs)5. Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors (LCPCs)6. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs), and 7. Licensed Psychologists107.02-05Emergency Safety Intervention means the use of restraint or seclusion as an immediate response to an emergency safety situation.107.02-06Emergency Safety Situation means unanticipated member behavior that places the member or others at serious threat of violence or injury if no intervention occurs and that calls for an emergency safety intervention.107.02-07Functional Behavior Assessment means a problem-solving process that identifies the individual and environmental variables contributing to occurrences of challenging behaviors for the purpose of designing individualized behavioral interventions.107.02-08 Clinical Certification of Need is the process by which a member demonstrates the medical necessity for treatment in a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) setting.107.02-09Mechanical Restraint means any device attached or adjacent to the member's body that he or she cannot easily remove that restricts freedom of movement or normal access to his or her body.107.02-10 Minor means an individual under 18 years of age.107.02-11Natural Supports are individuals who do not share a common residence with the family, who include the relatives, friends, neighbors, and community resources that a family goes to for support.107.02-12 Personal Restraint (Physical Restraint) means the application of physical force without the use of any device, for the purposes of restraining the free movement of a resident's body. Briefly holding a resident, without undue force, in order to calm or comfort him or her, holding a resident's hand to safely escort a resident from one area to another, or physical cueing in accordance with the member's treatment plan are not considered a personal restraint.107.02-13 Positive Behavioral Support Strategies means a strengths-based strategy based on individualized assessment that emphasizes teaching a person productive and self-determined skills or alternate strategies and behaviors without the use of restrictive Interventions.107.02-14Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) means a facility other than a hospital that provides psychiatric services to individuals under age 21, in an inpatient setting, and which meets the requirements of this policy. Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility means a facility licensed in Maine by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.107.02-15Restraint means a "personal restraint," or "mechanical restraint" as defined in this section.107.02-16Seclusion means the involuntary confinement of a resident alone in a room or an area from which the resident is physically prevented from leaving.107.02-17Serious Injury means any significant impairment of the physical condition of the resident as determined by qualified medical personnel. This includes, but is not limited to, burns, lacerations, bone fractures, substantial hematoma, and injuries to internal organs, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by someone else.107.02-18Serious Occurrence means a member's death, a Serious Injury to a member, or a suicide attempt by a member.107.02-19 Staff means those individuals with responsibility for managing a resident's health or participating in an emergency safety intervention and who are employed by the facility on a full-time, part-time, or contract basis.107.02-20Time Out is intended to remove the resident from positive reinforcement of a particular behavior that has negatively impacted him or herself and/or others. Time out may include the loss of access to positive reinforcement within a particular setting and/or the restriction of a resident to a designated area for a period of time for the purpose of providing the resident an opportunity to regain self-control. During a time out, a resident must not be physically prevented from leaving the designated area.107.02-21Treatment Plan means an active plan of care developed for each member in accordance with the standards of this policy and intended to improve the member's condition to the extent that inpatient care is no longer medically necessary. C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. II, 144-101-II-107, subsec. 144-101-II-107.02