E.Preliminary Information Reports and Other Pre-Application Requirements. Pre-application requirements are intended to screen out unsuitable sites and to identify unacceptable approaches to development of a landfill. Prior to preparation of an application for a license to develop a new or expanded landfill, and at least two months prior to the pre-application meeting, the applicant must develop and submit to the Department for review a complete Preliminary Information Report (PIR). The PIR will be the basis for discussion at the pre-application meeting. Subsequent to the pre-application meeting the Department will provide the applicant with written comments on the PIR. These comments will address the adequacy of the PIR in demonstrating that the landfill has been located so that none of the siting criteria in section 1(C)(2) will prohibit the proposed development. The applicant must also attend a pre-submission meeting with the Department and hold a public informational meeting in accordance with 06-096 CMR ch. 2. The purpose of the PIR is to demonstrate that the landfill has been located so that none of the siting criteria in section 1(C)(2) will prohibit the proposed development, and to preliminarily identify restrictive siting criteria and any siting variances which may be requested. It must include an introduction, a summary of findings and conclusions, and the following information:
(1) Type of facility, such as municipal, construction/demolition debris, industrial, commercial;(2) Surficial geologic map at a scale of 1:25,000 or larger;(3) Medium intensity soils map;(4) The most recent full-size U.S. Geological Survey topographic map of the area (7-1/2 minute series if printed), with the facility siteand the property boundary clearly delineated;(5) The most current available aquifer map from the Maine Geological Survey;(6) Locations of mapped faults, and an earthquake epicenter map;(7) Subsurface information adequate to demonstrate that in-situ soils meet the restrictive siting criteria in section 1(C)(3)(b) and to identify any areas where the proposed development will disturb soils within five feet of the bedrock surface;(8) Identification of all classified bodies of surface water within 1000 feet of the solid waste boundary;(9) A map of any coastal sand dune systems, coastal wetlands, significant wildlife habitat, or fragile mountain areas located within 500 feet of the proposedfacility site;(10) Flood plain map showing the 100-year flood elevation, or, if a flood plain map is not available for the project area, a flood plain investigation adequate to determine whether the waste handling area will be located in the 100-year flood plain;(11) A map showing the set-back distances for the proposed solid waste boundary and/or the waste handling area from the following: (d) Known sensitive receptors;(e) Water supply wells and water supply springs; and(12) A synopsis of all the hydrogeologic, geologic and soils information that the applicant has researched and utilized; and(13) A list of any variances that the applicant expects to apply for. In addition to the PIR, an applicant may elect to submit to the Department a workplan for conducting further site investigations and for developing engineered designs, operating requirements, and monitoring programs. The submission of a workplan will allow the Department to provide the applicant with comments on the scope of the work proposed before the work is initiated. The workplan may include provisions for submitting to the Department for review and comment a conceptual design based on the findings of the Site Assessment Report as described in section2 (C). The workplan may also identify other points for submissions or meetings with the Department to review progress to date and to discuss any issues identified and any need to vary from the workplan.