Section 096-150-3 - Requirements for the Sale, Installation and Operation of New Outdoor Wood Boilers and Outdoor Pellet BoilersA. Particulate Matter Emission Standards for Outdoor Wood Boilers(1) Phase I Particulate Emission Standard for Outdoor Wood Boilers and Outdoor Pellet Boilers. No person shall distribute or sell, lease, import, supply or install an outdoor wood boiler after April 1, 2008 or an outdoor pellet boiler after April 1, 2009 unless it has been certified under Section 3(E) to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input. Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers meeting the Phase I limit must be installed according to the applicable setback and stack height requirements as defined in Section 3(B) and 3(C) of this Chapter.(2) Phase II Particulate Emission Standard for Outdoor Wood Boilers and Outdoor Pellet Boilers. No person shall distribute or sell, lease, import, supply or install an outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler after April 1, 2010 unless it has been certified under Section 3(E) to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.32 lbs/MMBtu heat output. Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers meeting the Phase II limit must be installed according to the applicable setback and stack height requirements as defined in Section 3(B) and 3(C) of this Chapter.(3) Voluntary Technology-forcing Particulate Emission Standard for Outdoor Wood Boilers. An outdoor wood boiler meeting a particulate matter emission limit of 0.06 lbs/MMBtu heat output is not subject to a setback requirement under this Chapter as long as it meets the stack height requirements described in Section 3(C)(3) of this Chapter.B.Setback Requirements for New Outdoor Wood Boilers and Outdoor Pellet Boilers(1) Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers with particulate emission limits greater than 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input or with no certification. No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate emission limit greater than 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input or has no certification, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler is installed at least 250 feet from the nearest property line or at least 270 feet from the nearest dwelling that is not on the same property as the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(2) Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers certified to meet particulate emission limits of 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input. No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler is installed at least 100 feet from the nearest property line or at least 120 feet from the nearest dwelling that is not on the same property as the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(3) Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers certified to meet particulate emission limits of 0.32 lbs/MMBtu heat output. No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.32 lbs/MMBtu heat output, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler is installed at least 50 feet from the nearest property line or at least 70 feet from the nearest dwelling that is not on the same property as the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(4) Outdoor pellet boilers certified to meet particulate emission limits of 0.06 lbs/MMBtu heat output. No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.06 lbs/MMBtu heat output, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor pellet boiler is installed at least 20 feet from the nearest property line or at least 40 feet from the nearest dwelling that is not on the same property as the or outdoor pellet boiler.(5) Outdoor wood boilers that have been modified to burn pellets. Outdoor wood boilers that have been modified to burn pellets must meet the applicable setback specified in Section 3(B) of this Chapter for the original particulate emission limit certification of the outdoor wood boiler, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter.C.Stack Height Requirements for New Outdoor Wood Boilers and Outdoor Pellet Boilers(1) Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers certified to meet particulate emissions limits of greater than 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input or with no certification. (a) No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate emission limit of greater than 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input or has no certification, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler: (1) has an attached stack with a minimum stack height of 10 feet above ground level; or(2) has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, if an abutting residence is located less than 500 feet from the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(b) No person shall operate any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, installed after the effective date of this Chapter, that has been certified to meet a particulate emission limit of greater than 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input or with no certification, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, if an abutting residence is located less than 500 feet from the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(2) Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers certified to meet particulate emission limits of 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input. (a) No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler: (1) has an attached stack with a minimum stack height of 10 feet above ground level; or(2) has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, if an abutting residence is located less than 300 feet from the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(b) No person shall operate any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, installed after the effective date of this Chapter, that has been certified to meet a particulate emission limit of 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, if an abutting residence is located less than 300 feet from the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(3) Outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers certified to meet particulate emission limits of 0.32 lbs/MMBtu heat output. (a) No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.32 lbs/MMBtu heat output, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler: (1) has an attached stack with a minimum stack height of 10 feet above ground level; or(2) has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, if an abutting residence is located less than 300 feet from the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(b) No person shall operate any outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, installed after the effective date of this Chapter, that has been certified to meet a particulate emission limit of 0.32 lbs/MMBtu heat output, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, if an abutting residence is located less than 300 feet from the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.(4) Outdoor pellet boilers certified to meet particulate emission limits of 0.06 lbs/MMBtu heat output. (a) No person shall install or allow the installation of any outdoor pellet boiler that has been certified to meet a particulate matter emission limit of 0.06 lbs/MMBtu heat output, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, unless the outdoor pellet boiler: (1) has an attached stack with a minimum stack height of 10 feet above ground level; or(2) has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor pellet boiler, if an abutting residence is located less than 100 feet from the outdoor pellet boiler.(b) No person shall operate any outdoor pellet boiler, installed after the effective date of this Chapter, that has been certified to meet a particulate emission limit of 0.06 lbs/MMBtu heat output, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter, if an abutting residence is located less than 100 feet from the outdoor pellet boiler, unless the outdoor pellet boiler has an attached stack extending two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor pellet boiler.(5) Outdoor wood boilers that have been modified to burn pellets. Outdoor wood boilers that have been modified to burn pellets must meet the applicable stack height specified in Section 3(C) of this Chapter for the original particulate emission limit certification of the outdoor wood boiler, determined in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter.(6) In the case that there is no structure (e.g. swimming pool or hot tub) being served by an outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler subject to Section 3(C), the owner or operator of the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler shall extend the stack two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the nearest building to the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler.D.Commercial Outdoor Wood Boiler, Commercial Outdoor Pellet Boiler, Outdoor Wood Boiler or Outdoor Pellet Boiler with a rated thermal output greater than 350,000 Btu/hr Analysis Requirement(1) Any person intending to install or operate a commercial outdoor wood boiler, commercial outdoor pellet boiler, an outdoor wood boiler, or outdoor pellet boiler with a rated thermal output greater than 350,000 Btu/hr shall obtain an evaluation, report and installation recommendations performed by a qualified professional, including a licensed professional engineer or a master solid fuel burner technician, that includes the following information: (a) What type of application will the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler be used for;(b) A determination of the heat load requirements of the facility as compared to the available heat supply of the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler to ensure the unit is properly sized;(c) The stack location relative to the property lines and building locations within 400 feet of the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler;(d) The stack height; and(e) Recommendations for the proper outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler installation, including but not limited to, hook-up, auxiliary fuel, properly sized outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler, stack height and stack location.(2) No person shall install or operate a commercial outdoor wood boiler, commercial outdoor pellet boiler, outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler with a rated thermal output greater than 350,000 Btu/hr unless it is installed according to the recommendations of the evaluation report in Section 3(D)(1). In any case, no person shall install or operate a commercial outdoor wood boiler, commercial outdoor pellet boiler, an outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler with a rated thermal output greater than 350,000 Btu/hr unless it meets the minimum setback and stack height requirements stated in Section 3(B) and 3(C) of this Chapter.E.Certification of Outdoor Wood Boilers and Outdoor Pellet Boilers. No person shall supply, distribute, sell, lease, offer for sale, or allow the installation of an outdoor wood boiler or an outdoor pellet boiler in the State of Maine unless the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler has received certification pursuant to the EPA Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heater Program. The certification shall demonstrate that the outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler meets the applicable particulate emission standard in Section 3(A) of this Chapter. The manufacturer of any such outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler shall conduct testing via the EPA Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heater Phase I Program until EPA replaces the EPA Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heater Phase I Program with the Environmental Technology Verification Program. The Department may approve an alternative certification program.F.Sell-through exemption for Outdoor Wood Boilers. No person shall sell or offer for sale any outdoor wood boiler with a particulate emission rate greater than 0.60 lbs/MMBtu heat input as certified in accordance with Section 3(E) of this Chapter unless the outdoor wood boiler was purchased, paid for in full and received in the State of Maine before April 1, 2008 and the outdoor wood boiler meets all of the applicable requirements of this Chapter. Compliance with this Section must be demonstrated by keeping records of the purchase date and receipt date of their inventory as of the effective date of this Chapter. These records shall be kept for at least 5 years and shall be made available to the Department upon request. This exemption is effective until April 1, 2009.G.Labeling Requirements. New outdoor wood boilers and outdoor pellet boilers shall be labeled in accordance with the labeling requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Outdoor Wood-Fired Hydronic Heater Program. Requirements of this program are located at Cap Prohibition. No person shall operate a new outdoor wood boiler or outdoor pellet boiler using a rain cap unless this device is required by the manufacturer specifications.06- 096 C.M.R. ch. 150, § 3