Each owner or operator of a surface coating facility subject to this chapter shall establish and maintain all records necessary for determining compliance with the emission limitations in this chapter for a period of six (6) years. The owner or operator of a surface coating facility subject to this chapter shall further make such records and reports available for inspection during normal business hours and shall provide copies to the Department or the Environmental Protection Agency upon request.
"Ep" means the maximum theoretical emissions of VOC from one coating unit in pounds per 12 month period(lb/yr)
"A" means the weight of VOC per volume of the coating with the highest VOC content, as applied, each 12 month period on the coating unit in pounds of VOC per gallon of coating (lb/gal)
"B" means the total volume of all coating that can be potentially applied each year on the coating unit in gallons per 12 month period. The instrument or method by which the owner or operator accurately measured or calculated the volume of coating applied and the amount that can potentially be applied each year shall be described in the certification to the Department; and
"T" means the total VOC emissions from coating units at the surface coating facility before the application of capture systems and control devices in units of kg/day (lb/day)
"n" means the number of different coatings applied on each coating unit at the surface coating facility
"i" the subscript denoting an individual coating
"Ai" means the mass of VOC per volume of coating (i), excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied, used at the surface coating facility in units of kilograms of VOC per liter of coating (kg/l) or pounds of VOC per gallon of coating (lb/gal)
"Bi" means the volume of coating (i), excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied, used at the surface coating facility in units of liter per day (l/day) or gallons per day (gal/day). The instrument or method used by the owner or operator of the surface coating facility to accurately measure or calculate the volume of each coating, as applied, shall be described in the certification to the Department.
Miscellaneous metal and plastic parts and products surface coating facilities that do not meet each of the criteria listed in Subsections 1(C)(1) through 1(C)(3) of this chapter shall maintain daily records on the premises to document the name and identification of each coating and the mass of VOC per volume of each coating, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied, used each day on each coating unit, line or operation, and the total daily VOC emissions at the surface coating facility, as calculated using the equation in Subsection 7(A)(1)(d) of this chapter.
Miscellaneous metal and plastic parts and products surface coating facilities that meet each of the criteria listed in Subsections 1(C)(1) through 1(C)(3) of this chapter shall maintain monthly records on the premises to document the name and identification of each coating and the mass of VOC per volume of each coating, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied, used each month on each coating unit, line or operation, and the total emissions at the surface coating facility each month.
06-096 C.M.R. ch. 129, § 7