06- 096 C.M.R. ch. 1000, § 13

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 096-1000-13 - Establishment of Districts
A.Resource Protection District.The Resource Protection District includes areas in which development would adversely affect water quality, productive habitat, biological ecosystems, or scenic and natural values. This district shall include the following areas when they occur within the limits of the shoreland zone, exclusive of the Stream Protection District, except that areas which are currently developed and areas which meet the criteria for the Limited Commercial, General Development I, or Commercial Fisheries/Maritime Activities Districts need not be included within the Resource Protection District.
(1) Floodplains along rivers and floodplains along artificially formed great ponds along rivers, defined by the 100 year floodplain as designated on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps or Flood Hazard Boundary Maps, or the flood of record, or in the absence of these, by soil types identified as recent floodplain soils. This district shall also include 100 year floodplains adjacent to tidal waters as shown on FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Maps or Flood Hazard Boundary Maps.
(2) Areas of two or more contiguous acres with sustained slopes of 20% or greater.
(3) Areas of two (2) or more contiguous acres supporting wetland vegetation and hydric soils, which are not part of a freshwater or coastal wetland as defined, and which are not surficially connected to a water body during the period of normal high water.

NOTE: These areas usually consist of forested wetlands abutting water bodies and non-forested wetlands.

(4) Land areas along rivers subject to severe bank erosion, undercutting, or river bed movement, and lands adjacent to tidal waters which are subject to severe erosion or mass movement, such as steep coastal bluffs.

NOTE: Municipalities may also include the following other areas which have been recommended for protection in the comprehensive plan of the municipality, or as otherwise endorsed for protection by the municipal legislative body, such as:

A. Other important wildlife habitat;
B. Natural sites of significant scenic or esthetic value;
C. Areas designated by federal, state or municipal governments as natural areas of significance to be protected from development; and
D. Other significant areas which should be included in this district to fulfill the purposes of this Ordinance, such as, but not limited to, existing public access areas and certain significant archaeological and historic sites deserving of long-term protection as determined by the municipality after consultation with the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
E. Areas within 250 feet, horizontal distance, of the upland edge of freshwater and/or coastal wetlands, which are rated "moderate" or "high" value waterfowl and wading bird habitat, including nesting and feeding areas, by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIF&W). These areas are generally depicted on a Geographic Information System (GIS) data layer.
B.Limited Residential District.The Limited Residential District includes those areas suitable for residential and recreational development. It includes areas other than those in the Resource Protection District, or Stream Protection District, and areas which are used less intensively than those in the Limited Commercial District, the General Development Districts, or the Commercial Fisheries/Maritime Activities District.
C.Limited Commercial District.The Limited Commercial District includes areas of mixed, light commercial and residential uses, exclusive of the Stream Protection District, which should not be developed as intensively as the General Development Districts. This district includes areas of two or more contiguous acres in size devoted to a mix of residential and low intensity business and commercial uses. Industrial uses are prohibited.
D.General Development I District.The General Development I District includes the following types of existing, intensively developed areas:
(1) Areas of two or more contiguous acres devoted to commercial, industrial or intensive recreational activities, or a mix of such activities, including but not limited to the following:
(a) Areas devoted to manufacturing, fabricating or other industrial activities;
(b) Areas devoted to wholesaling, warehousing, retail trade and service activities, or other commercial activities; and
(c) Areas devoted to intensive recreational development and activities, such as, but not limited to amusement parks, race tracks and fairgrounds.
(2) Areas otherwise discernible as having patterns of intensive commercial, industrial or recreational uses.
E.General Development II District.The General Development II District includes the same types of areas as those listed for the General Development I District. The General Development II District, however, shall be applied to newly established General Development Districts where the pattern of development at the time of adoption is undeveloped or not as intensively developed as that of the General Development I District.

Portions of the General Development District I or II may also include residential development. However, no area shall be designated as a General Development I or II District based solely on residential use.

In areas adjacent to great ponds classified GPA and adjacent to rivers flowing to great ponds classified GPA, the designation of an area as a General Development District shall be based upon uses existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance. There shall be no newly established General Development Districts or expansions in area of existing General Development Districts adjacent to great ponds classified GPA, and adjacent to rivers that flow to great ponds classified GPA.

NOTE: See definition of "great pond classified GPA" in Section 17. In most municipalities all of the great ponds are classified GPA. In municipalities where all of the great ponds are classified GPA, the term "great ponds classified GPA" can be changed to "great ponds". It may also be helpful to list the names of the great ponds found in the municipality within the definition of "great pond' in Section 17.

F.Commercial Fisheries/Maritime Activities District.The Commercial Fisheries/Maritime Activities District includes areas where the existing predominant pattern of development is consistent with the allowed uses for this district as indicated in the Table of Land Uses, Section 14, and other areas which are suitable for functionally water-dependent uses, taking into consideration such factors as:
(1) Shelter from prevailing winds and waves;
(2) Slope of the land within 250 feet, horizontal distance, of the shoreline;
(3) Depth of the water within 150 feet, horizontal distance, of the shoreline;
(4) Available support facilities including utilities and transportation facilities; and
(5) Compatibility with adjacent upland uses.

NOTE: A municipality may opt to identify one or more CFMA Districts, each of which may be as small as a single parcel, provided that the municipality includes in this district or combination of CFMA districts, all land currently occupied by or suitable for active water dependent uses, taking into consideration the above-listed factors.

G.Stream Protection District.The Stream Protection District includes all land areas within seventy-five (75) feet, horizontal distance, of the normal high-water line of a stream, exclusive of those areas within two-hundred and fifty (250) feet, horizontal distance, of the normal high-water line of a great pond, or river, or within two hundred and fifty (250) feet, horizontal distance, of the upland edge of a freshwater or coastal wetland. Where a stream and its associated shoreland area are located within two-hundred and fifty (250) feet, horizontal distance, of the above water bodies or wetlands, that land area shall be regulated under the terms of the shoreland district associated with that water body or wetland.

06- 096 C.M.R. ch. 1000, § 13