A school administrative unit must provide to each educator who will be evaluated under this rule the name and contact information of the administrator responsible for overseeing the evaluation and support process for that educator.
A school administrative unit shall determine and set forth in its system plan, the frequency with which it will conduct full evaluations leading to summative effectiveness ratings. A school administrative unit is not required to conduct a full evaluation leading to a summative effectiveness rating of each educator in each year. The frequency of full evaluations may vary depending on the effectiveness ratings of educators. However, full evaluations must be conducted at least every three years, even for highly effective educators.
Regardless of whether an educator is evaluated formally in a particular year, observations of professional practice and formative feedback must occur each year and throughout the school year for all educators.
A person is a qualified evaluator in a Chapter 508 system only if that person has completed training appropriate to the role he or she will play in the system.
Evaluators must be trained in the specific professional practice model selected by the school administrative unit in which the evaluator will perform duties.
In addition to a summative effectiveness rating, each educator must receive a written evaluation that includes a narrative providing recommendations and commendations that describe the educator's effectiveness.
An educator's written evaluation, evaluation documentation and summative effectiveness rating are confidential personnel records, in accordance with Title 20-A, section 6101, subsection 2.
05- 071 C.M.R. ch. 180, § 12