Section 071-161-3 - STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALSA. Inventory lists of all hazardous chemicals shall be submitted to the Director of the Bureau of Labor Standards, Department of Labor. Those lists shall be updated annually.B. Chemicals which are beyond their published shelf-life or expiration date or which are chemical wastes (including unwanted and unneeded chemical or chemicals) shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable state ( 38 MRSA Section1301 et seq. and Chapters 850857 of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection's Hazardous Waste Management Rules) and federal (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapters 260-266) laws and regulations.C. Quantities of hazardous chemicals in storage shall be limited to that expected to be used in a two year period.D. Hazardous chemicals shall be stored in accordance with the specifications described on the Material Safety Data Sheets, consistent with an acceptable compatibility classification system and shall be accurately and appropriately labeled in accordance with 26 MRSA Section1713.E. Storage areas shall be secure and accessible only to trained personnel. Storage shall be on steel or wood shelving with acid-resistant paint with safety lips to prevent spillage. Shelves shall be securely anchored to the floor, wall and/or ceiling and shall be clearly labeled to indicate the kind of chemicals that are to be stored there.F. It is recommended that a continuous flow (plumbed) eyewash station, which is capable of providing fifteen (15) minutes of continuous irrigation of both eyes, and a deluge shower be readily accessible from the storage area.G. There shall be an ABC fire extinguisher, or its equivalent, of at least 10 pounds and preferably 20 pounds capacity within fifty (50) feet of the storage area,H. Material and equipment for spill control shall be provided,I. It is recommended that chemical storage areas should be vented to provide four (4) room changes per hour to the outside of the building away from air intakes, Vents shall be in operation whenever school is in session or whenever school personnel are in attendance.05- 071 C.M.R. ch. 161, § 3