03-201-1 Me. Code R. § III

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

Each minimum security residential facility shall be managed by a supervisory level staff person.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Written appointment. Job description. Agency organizational chart.


Each minimum security residential facility shall have sufficient staff on duty to provide inmate supervision. A minimum security residential facility shall, at a minimum, be staff secure.

Evidence of Compliance: Staffing plans. Facility logs. Observations.


Only those inmates who have been sentenced to a county jail and pose minimal risk to the community are classified as minimum security or less and may be housed in a minimum security residential facility. Classification assignments shall be based on objective, quantifiable, and verifiable assessments.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Written post orders. Classification records.


Inmates shall not be placed in a minimum security residential facility solely for the purpose of housing. All inmates living in a minimum security residential facility shall be participating in a structured program of restitution, work, education, or treatment.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Classification records. Program description(s). Inmate records. Facility logs. Interviews.


Each minimum security residential facility shall establish rules, regulations, and conditions governing the behavior of the inmates who participate in the program. Before being placed in a minimum security residential facility, each inmate shall sign a copy of the rules and regulations verifying that the inmate understands and is willing to abide by these rules, regulations, and conditions.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Rules and regulations. Signed acknowledgement.


Each minimum security residential facility must comply with the Life Safety Code requirements adopted by the Department of Public Safety, State Fire Marshal's Office. Annual inspections by a local fire department or the State Fire Marshal's Office to verify compliance with the Life Safety Code shall be conducted. Reports resulting from these inspections shall be kept on file at the facility.

Evidence of Compliance: Documentation of NFPA compliance from the State Fire Marshal's Office or local fire authority.


Each minimum security residential facility shall post plans for emergency evacuation of the facility in areas accessible to both staff and inmates. Fire drills shall be conducted semiannually, and a written record of the same shall be kept on file.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Facility logs. Interviews.


Each minimum security residential facility shall have written practices or procedures for providing emergency medical services. At least one staff person on each shift shall be certified in CPR.

Evidence of Compliance: Shift rosters. Training records. Certifications.


Each minimum security residential facility must comply with existing local and state building and zoning codes. Documentation verifying compliance shall be kept on file.

Evidence of Compliance: Code enforcement approval. Occupancy license.


Each minimum security residential facility shall maintain a housekeeping and maintenance plan to ensure that the facility is clean and in good repair.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Cleaning schedule. Maintenance slips.


Each minimum security residential facility shall maintain a written schedule of daily inmate programs and activities.

Evidence of Compliance: Written schedule.


Each minimum security residential facility shall maintain a log of facility activities. At a minimum, this log shall include:

a.) The names and numbers of staff on duty;
b.) All admissions to and releases from the facility;
c.) The names of inmates in-house and outside the facility;
d.) All routine activities;
e.) All emergency or unusual circumstances or activities;
f.) Inmate counts; and
g.) The names of all visitors to the facility.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Facility logs. Interviews. Observations.


Each minimum security residential facility shall maintain a system to account for all inmates assigned to the facility as a part of each shift change.

Evidence of Compliance: Written policy and procedure. Written post orders. Facility logs. Interviews. Observations.


Each minimum security residential facility shall provide, at a minimum, 25 square feet of sleeping area per inmate partitioned from common areas.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas/measurements/space referenced. Observations.


Each minimum security residential facility shall provide 15 square feet for dayroom or lounge space per inmate.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas/measurements/space referenced. Observations.


Each minimum security residential facility shall provide 1 shower per 8 inmates.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas referenced. Capacity chart. Observations.


Each minimum security residential facility shall provide l toilet per 10 inmates. Half of the required toilets may be substituted for by urinals in a facility having only male inmates.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas referenced. Capacity chart. Observations.


Each minimum security residential facility shall provide l wash basin per 10 inmates.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas referenced. Capacity chart. Observations.


Female inmates shall be provided sleeping quarters separate from male inmates' sleeping quarters.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas referenced.


When food services are provided in the facility, there shall be adequate space and equipment for dining and food services.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas referenced. Observations.


Each minimum security facility shall have adequate multipurpose space for group programs and activities.

Evidence of Compliance: Schematic identifying areas referenced. Observations.


Each minimum security residential facility shall provide adequate laundry services.

Evidence of Compliance: Laundry exchange schedule. Observations.


For new construction and renovation, key planning and design documents shall be submitted to the Department for review and comment at the following stages:

a.) At the completion of the schematic design phase;
b.) At the completion of each set of preliminary plans; and
c.) At the completion of the construction documents phase.

The Department shall review all documents to determine if compliance with standards is achieved and shall certify compliance in writing prior to continuation of the design and construction process.

Evidence of Compliance: Documented communications with the Department on plans.


Written policy, procedure and practice provide that the Department shall be informed in writing when construction is 75% completed so that an on-site inspection by the Department can be made to determine standards compliance. Final inspection of the completed facility shall be made, and the Department shall certify compliance before a new or renovated facility is occupied by inmates and placed in operation.

Evidence of Compliance: Documented communications and approval.

03-201 C.M.R. ch. 1, § III