C.M.R. 03, 201, ch. 1, 201-1-II, app 201-1-II a-C

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

(Crimes committed on or after October 1, 1983 but before October 1 1995)

COURT______________________________DOCKET #_________________
OFFENSES CONVICTED______________________COUNT # ___________
COMPLETE SENTENCE: _________________________________________
___ YES ___ NO Is there a companion charge"

INMATE:________________________________ DOB:________________________

Item A: Term of Imprisonment/Initial

Unsuspended Portion of Split (days)

(17-A, M.R.S.A., 1253, Sub-sec.1) ______________

Item B: Deduct Detention Time

(17-A, M.R.S.A., 1253, Sub.sec.2) - ______________

Item C: SUB-TOTAL = ______________

Item D: Deduct "Up-Front" Good Time

10 days per month

(17-A, M.R.S.A., 1253, Sub.sec.3)


3 days per month

(17-A, M.R.S.A., 1253, Sub.Sec. 3-B) - ______________

Item E: SUB-TOTAL = ______________

Item F: Deduct 1 day if sentence is OVER 30 days

(17-A, M.R.S.A., 1253, Sub.sec.1) - ______________

Item G: SUB-TOTAL = ______________

Item H:` Date of which inmate was received into

the custody of your jail: ______________

Item I: "Day-of-the-Year" Sentence Started _______________

Item J: Results of Item G + _______________

Item K: ADD Item I and Item J = _______________

Item L: The "day-of-the-Year" indicated in

Item K is the PROJECTED RELEASE date of: _______________

(Other Adjustments on Reverse Side)


Date Sentence Started _____________ Date Sentence Ended ____________

TOTAL NUMBER OF DAYS SERVED __________________________________________



* ----------

= _______ ________

* ----------

= _______ ________

* ----------

= _______ _________

* ----------

= _______ _________

* ----------

= _______ _________

* ----------

= _______ _________

* ----------

= ________ __________

* -----------

= ________ __________

* ------------

= ________ __________

* ------------

= ________ __________

* ------------

= ________ __________

Transfer the Last Release Date to the "Date Ended" on the bottom of Reverse Side.

___________________________ COUNTY JAIL



(1995 Code)

Inmate______________________________ DOB________________

Court______________________ Date Sentence Started_______________

Convictions_______________________________ Docket #__________

Is there a companion sentence(s) involving imprisonment" Yes_______ No________


Item A: Enter term of imprisonment/initial unsuspended

portion of split sentence (in number of days) ____________________

Item B: Enter detention time deduction, if any - ____________________

Item C: Enter sub-total (Item A - Item B) ____________________

Item D: Enter Deduction of 1 day if term of

imprisonment is over 30 days - ____________________

Item E: Enter calendar day of the year sentence started ____________________

Item F: Enter results of item C., or D if applicable ____________________

Item F. Enter subtotal (item E. + F.) ­____________________

Item G. Enter date of release eligibility based on item F. ____________________

Item H. Enter total deductions (total days) ____________________

17-A MRSA Sect. 1253 (8); 30-A MRSA Sect. 1606

Item I. Enter day released (Item F - Item H) = ____________________

Item J. Enter date inmate was released ____________________

(Adjustments to Item H. , see reverse side)


Date Sentence Started________________ Date Sentence Ended__________________

Total Number of Days Served__________________



Codes: GT= Good-time (up to 5 days per calendar month), PW= Public Works Projects, DR= Disciplinary, and RS= Restored Good-time

Day of the year eligible for release ___________ Date eligible for release____________

Code # of Days Adjusted release date

1. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
2. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
3. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
4. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
5. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
6. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
7. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
8. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
9. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
10. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
11. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
12. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
13. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
14. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
15. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
16. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
17. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
18. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
19. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
20. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
21. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
22. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
23. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
24. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
25. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
26. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
27. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
28. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
29. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
30. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
31. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
32. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________
33. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ ________________

Total amount of good-time days earned this page _____________

Code # of Days Adjusted release date

34. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
35. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
36. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
37. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
38. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
39. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
40. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
41. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
42. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
43. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
44. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
45. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
46. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
47. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
48. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
49. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
50. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
51. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________
52. Deduct/Add - _____ __________ Sub-Total___________ _________________

Total amount of good-time days earned pages 1 and 2 ________________



Crimes Committed On or After August 1, 2004

INMATE: _____________________________________ DOB:__________

COURT___________________________________ DOCKET # ___________
OFFENSE CONVICTED FOR: _____________________________ COUNT # ____
Date & Day of Year Sentence Begins: ___/___/____, Day of Year _________
YES NO Is there a companion charge"

Section I. Determine Date of Crime Commission:Determine if the commission of the crime the inmate was sentenced for took place on or after August 1, 2004. If the crime took place on or after August 1, 2004, proceed to Section II below. If the commission of the crime was before August 1, 2004, use the 1995 Release Date Computation Form to calculate the inmate's good time.

Section II. Crime Exception included In 2004 Code: Review the offense the inmate was convicted of to determine if the crime is listed as a crime exception in the 2004 Code. If convicted of a crime listed as an exception to the 2004 Code, good time deductions for the crime exceptions are to be calculated based on the 1995 Code AFTER completing items A. through F. in section III of this form. (See 1995 Release Date Computation Form to compute release date for a crime listed as an exception in the 2004 Code--Transfer the result from Item F. of this form to the 1995 form.) If convicted of a crime NOT listed as an exception to the 2004 Code, complete all items on this 2004 form. Crime exceptions listed in the 2004 Code are:

(1) Murder, Title 17-A, Section 201
(2) A crime under Title 17-A, Chapter 11 (Sections 253 -260, Sex Offenses)
(3) A crime under Title 17-A, Section 556(Incest)
(4) A crime under Title 17-A, Section 854, excluding Subsection 1, Paragraph A, Subparagraph (1) (Indecent Conduct, except for the Class E crime of Engaging in a Sexual Act in a Public Place)
(5) A crime under Title 17-A, Chapter 12 (Sections 282 -284, Sexual Exploitation of Minors)
(6) A crime against a family or household member under Title 17-A, Chapter 9 (Sections 202 -213, Offenses Against The Person) or Chapter 13 (Sections 301 -303, Kidnapping or Criminal Restraint) or Title 17-A, Section 506-B (Violation of a Protective Order), 554 (Endangering the Welfare of a Child), 555 (Endangering the Welfare of a Dependent Person), 758 (Obstructing the Report of a Crime or Injury).
III. Calculating Inmate Release Date Based on 2004 Code

Item A: Enter Day of Year Sentence Begins: __________ A

Item B: Enter Term of Imprisonment/Initial Unsuspended Portion of Split Sentence (in days) (17-A, M.R.S.A., 1253, Sub-sec.1) __________ B

Item C: AddItem B to A to determine day of the year of total sentence length end day w/o deductions. __________ C

Item D: Deduct 1 day from C if sentence is OVER 30 days & enter new day of the year on line D. (17-A, 1253, Sub-sec.1 ) __________ D

Transfer the result from Item D. on the previous page __________

1.Item E: Credit For Detention Time (days) (17-A, M.R.S.A., 1253, Sub-sec. 2) Enter # of days credited for detention time: __________ E.1
2. Good Time Awarded on Detention Time ( 17-A M.R.S.A1253, Sub-Sec. 2, Paragraph A)

Partial Month Maximum Good Time (days)

1 to 15 days up to 1 day

16 to 31 days up to 2 days __________ E.2

Item: FSubtract E.1 & E.2 from D to determine day of the year resulting from deductions. D-E.1-E.2=F = __________ F

Item G: Convert the "day-of-the-year" in Item F. to determine the PROJECTED RELEASE date resulting from PART 1:


Part 1 Projected Release Date

Transfer the "day of the year" from Item F. to line A of Part 2 of the Form as the basis for making further adjustments to the Projected Release Date permitted by law-- 17-A M.R.S.A. Section1253, Sub-Sec. 9 (Good Conduct); 17-A Section 1253, Sub-Sec 10 (Work, Education, Program); 30-A Section 1606 (Two Days Work for One day Deduction); and 17-A Section 1253, Sub-Sec 9, Paragraphs B and C, Sub-Sec. 10, Paragraphs C and D (Lost Good Time) (Restored Good Time)

Date Released: Ending Release Date Computation Resulting From Completion of Parts 1 & 2:

Final Release Date: ____/____/_____



Crimes Committed On or After August 1, 2004

Additional Adjustments to Part 1. Projected Release Date

Permitted Additional Adjustments to Part 1 of the Release Date Computation Sheet include:

Adjustment 1. 17-A Section 1253, Sub-Sec. 9, Good Conduct: Inmate may earn up to 4 days deduction a month for good conduct.

Partial Month Maximum Good Time (days)
1 to 7 days up to 1 day
8 to 15 days up to 2 days
16 to 23 days up to 3 days
24 to 31 days up to 4 days

Adjustment 2. 17-A Section 1253, Sub-Sec. 10, Participation in Work, Education, or Rehabilitation Programs Assigned in the Inmate's Transition Plan: Inmate may earn up to 3 days deduction a month for participation in the above programs.

Partial Month Maximum Good Time (days)
1 to 10 days up to 1 day
11 to 20 days up to 2 days
21 to 31 days up to 3 days

Adjustment 3. 30-A Section 1606, Participation in Public Service Projects

Inmate may earn 1 day off the sentence for every 16 hours of public service work.

Adjustment 4. 17-A Section 1253, Sub-Sec 9, Paragraphs B and C & Sub-Sec. 10, Paragraphs C and D, Loss and Restoration of Good Time.

Item A: "Day of the year" from Item H. of Part 1: ______________

(Begin by subtracting or adding Adjustment a. from Item A)

Adjustment TypeNewNew

-1, -2, -3, -4 or +4DateAdjustment # DaysDay of YearRelease Date

a. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
b. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
c. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
d. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
e. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
f. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
g. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
h. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
i. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
j. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
k. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
l. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
m. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
n. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
o. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
p. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
q. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
r. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
s. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
t. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
u. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
v. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___

w _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___

x. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
y. ____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___
z. _____ ___/___/___ ____#days Day: ______ ___/___/___

After this part is completed, enter final release date at the end of Part 1.

C.M.R. 03, 201, ch. 1, 201-1-II, app 201-1-II a-C