11.17.1Code Compliance RequiredExcept as set forth in Section 11.17.2, all tanks serving a waste oil appliance must conform to NFPA 31 and this Chapter.
11.17.2ExceptionA waste oil supply tank of 660 gallons, or two tanks of aggregate capacity, supplying a Waste Oil Appliance must be installed with a receptacle or funnel used specifically for introducing waste oils into a specifically marked waste oil supply tank when the tank and accessories have a 2-inch diameter (nominal inside diameter) iron pipe vent to the outside of the building or structure.
11.17.3Arrangement of Waste Oil Tank Recovery ReceptacleThe arrangement of the waste oil tank recovery receptacle must comply with the following: The recovered waste oil must be introduced into the supply tank manually through a valved recovery pan or funnel for waste oils only and must be located at the top of the tank. See Figure 11-2. The receptacle to receive the oils may be installed as follows: 1. Install a close x 2-inch threaded (NPT) metal nipple in the oil supply tank's 2-inch access opening;2. Install the receptacle (funnel, pan, catch basin, etc.) at the top of the valve; and3. Install a gauge in the other available access opening of the tank. Spillage by individuals pouring recovered waste oil from a pan, catch basin, or other type of recovery container, must be minimized by metal steps, corresponding to the height of the tank, so that an individual does not have to reach beyond his or her shoulder level while transferring the fuel from the recovery container to the oil supply receptacle. Steps provided must be a minimum of three feet (3) wide, with a tread height of not more than eight (8) inches. Ladders are not an acceptable alternative. Any spillage must be cleaned up immediately and reported to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Click to view image
11.17.4Optional Tank ArrangementAs an option to the tank arrangement in Section 11.17.3 and Figure 11-2, the tank arrangement may be supplied with a funnel and a fill and vent pipe extending to the outside, provided that the fill point is identified by a metal placard attached to the building stating: "Waste oil tank, check for inside valve closure prior to filling." See Figure 11-3. The waste oil supply tank in Figure 11-3 must be provided with a combination oil gauge and vent alarm at the vent pipe due to the availability of only three (3) access openings in the tank. Waste oil tanks with four (4) access openings may use a separate gauge and vent alarm. Spillage due to pouring recovered waste oil from a pan, catch basin, or other type of recovery container must be minimized by metal steps, corresponding to the height of the tank, so that an individual does not have to reach beyond his or her shoulder level while transferring the fuel from the recovery container to the oil supply receptacle. Steps provided must be a minimum of three (3) feet wide, with a tread height of not more than eight (8) inches. Ladders are not an acceptable alternative. Any spillage must be cleaned up immediately and reported to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Click to view image
02-658 C.M.R. ch. 11, § 17