C.M.R. 02, 643, ch. 8, app 643-8-A

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Appendix 643-8-A

CATEGORY I - Basic Science

Physics of Sound and Basic Acoustics

1. Propagation of sound
2. Physical characteristics of sound
3. Measurements of sound
4. Audiometric notation

Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Ear

1. Anatomy of the ear
2. Physiology of hearing
3. Theories of hearing
4. Causes and treatment of hearing impairment

CATEGORY II - Audiometric Assessment

Anatomical Inspection

1. Otoscopic inspection
2. Auricular inspection Puretone Audiometry
1. Air conduction tests
2. Bone conduction tests
3. Masking procedures

Speech Audiometry

1. Word discrimination tests
2. Threshold tests
3. Masking procedures

Special Tests

1. Retrocochlear tests

Soundfield Audiometry

1. Non-verbal tests
2. Speech threshold tests
3. Word discrimination tests
4. Instrument selection and validation procedures
5. Special tests and procedures


1. Basic theory and procedures
2. Advantages and limitations for instrument selection

CATEGORY III - Audiometric Interpretation

Audiogram Interpretations

1. Classification of hearing losses
2. Patterns and configurations of hearing loss
3. Dynamic ranges of hearing

Speech Test Interpretations

1. Threshold test results
2. Word discrimination test results
3. Dynamic range implications

Referral Criteria

1. FDA guidelines
2. Special auditory training

CATEGORY IV - Patient Information And History

Establishing Patient Rapport

1. Establishing patient empathy
2. Emotional and psychological considerations
3. Demonstrating professionalism

Eliciting Patient History

1. Recognizing pertinent information
2. Patient referral sources

CATEGORY V - Hearing Instrument Systems Technology

History and Development of Hearing Instruments

1. Pre-electronic systems
2. Early electronic systems
3. Modern systems

Hearing Instrument Basic Electronics

1. General circuit principles
2. Amplifiers
3. Transducers
4. Potentiometers

Electro-Acoustic Specifications

1. ISO Standards
2. ANSI Standards
3. Other standards

Hearing Instrument Analysis

1. Biological checks and procedures
2. Basic and advanced electro-acoustic analyzers

Troubleshooting and Repairs

1. Feedback
2. Intermittent function
3. Battery checks
4. Non-functioning
5. Cleaning
6. Noisy
7. External controls

External Ear Canal Acoustics

1. Implications of cavity size to acoustic coupler
2. Measuring the acoustic cavity

Acoustic Coupler Systems

1. NAEL Standards
2. External ear anatomy and acoustic coupler considerations
3. Specifying acoustic coupler characteristics
4. In-office acoustic coupler fabrication

Acoustic Coupler Modifications and Effects

1. Canal modifications
2. Bore modifications
3. Venting

The Acoustic Transmission Line

1. NAEL Standards
2. Acoustic filters and dampers

Special Acoustic Couplers

1. Tube fittings
2. Modular and custom ITE instruments

Dispensing Office Lab

1. Equipment and supplies
2. Utilizing lab equipment

CATEGORY VI - Otoplastics

Anatomical Inspection

1. External ear considerations
2. Other physical parameters

Impression-Taking Techniques

1. Blocking the canal
2. Impression materials
3. Use of equipment and supplies
4. Impressions of the ear
5. Judging impression results

Preparing the Impression

1. In-office lab impressions
2. Communicating with the earmold lab

In-Office Acoustic Coupler Fabrication

1. Equipment and materials
2. Techniques in fabrication

CATEGORY VII - Selecting Amplification Systems

Parameters of Amplification Selection

1. Electro-acoustic considerations
2. Acoustic coupler considerations
3. Modification procedures
4. Anatomical considerations

Physical Considerations

1. Styles of instruments
2. Styles of acoustic couplers

Communicating with the Manufacturer

1. Instrument specifications
2. Special order systems
3. Custom ITE systems

Preparing the Instrument for Fitting

1. Pre-fitting checks and adjustments
2. Electro-acoustic analysis

CATEGORY VIII - Instrument Fitting Techniques

Physical Fitting

1. Communicating with the patient
2. Techniques in fitting
3. Instructing the patient
4. Adjustments and modifications

Initial Counseling

1. Limitations, need for adjustments and follow-up
2. Care and use of the amplification system
3. Use of special or additional amplification devices
4. Family member counseling

Determining Efficacy of the Amplification System

1. Soundfield testing
2. Other criteria

CATEGORY IX - Patient Follow-Up Care

Post Fitting Visits

1. Soundfield efficacy testing
2. Reinforcement counseling
3. Adjustments and modifications

Amplification System Maintenance

1. Cleaning, checking and testing the instrument
2. Maintenance of the acoustic coupler and accessories

Handling System Malfunctions

1. Recognizing and isolating problems
2. In-office repairs
3. Factory and/or lab repairs
4. Use of loaner instruments

Periodic Re-evaluations

1. Periodic otoscopic inspections
2. Periodic audiometric re-testing
3. Referral considerations

CATEGORY X - Management Considerations in Instrument Dispensing

Audiometric Equipment

1. Biological checks
2. Periodic calibrations

Record Keeping

1. Patient files and records
2. Business records and files
3. Complying with laws and rules

Aseptic Techniques

1. Personal hygiene
2. Equipment and supplies

(non-approved content areas in Category X not listed)

C.M.R. 02, 643, ch. 8, app 643-8-A