Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 373-1-8 - REQUIREMENTS FOR RENEWAL/REINSTATEMENT/WITHDRAWAL OFLICENSE/REGISTRATION1.License Expiration and RenewalWith the exception of Emergency 100-day, Temporary, Youth Camp Licenses, and Temporary Educational Certificates, the license/registration of every physician born in an odd-numbered year expires at midnight on the last day of the month of the physician's birth every odd-numbered year. The license/registration of every physician born in an even-numbered year expires at midnight on the last day of the month of the physician's birth every even-numbered year. The physician must renew the license/registration every two (2) years prior to the expiration of the license/registration by submitting an administratively complete application to the Board on forms approved by the Board.
2.Renewal NotificationAt least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of a current license/registration, the Board shall notify each licensee of the requirement to renew thelicense/registration. If an administratively complete re-licensure application has not been submitted prior to the expiration date of the existing license, the license immediately and automatically expires. A license may be reinstated up to 90 days after the date of expiration upon payment of the renewal fee and late fee. If an administratively complete renewal application is not submitted within 90 days of the date of the expiration of the license, the license immediately and automatically lapses. The Board may reinstate a license pursuant to law.
3.Criteria for Active License/Registration RenewalA. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may renew the active license/registration of a physician who meets all of the following requirements: (1) Submits an administratively complete license/registration renewal application on forms approved by the Board;(2) Pays the appropriate license renewal fee and/or late fee (if any);(3) With the exception of Interstate Telemedicine Consultative Registration, affirms that the licensee has met the CME requirements. In the event that the required CME is not complete, the physician may request an extension of time for good cause to complete the CME. The Board Secretary, Board Chair, or their designee has the discretion to grant or deny a request for an extension of time to complete the required CME credits; (4) Demonstrates continuing clinical competency as required by this rule;(5) Successfully completes the Board's jurisprudence examination when directed by the Board; (6) Successfully completes the minimum data set survey; and(7) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of renewal of licensure as provided by law.(8) In the event that the Board delegates licensing decisions to Board staff and there is any question regarding the applicant's qualifications, Board staff shall consult with the Board Secretary, Board Chair, or their designee who may approve the application or defer action on the application to the full Board.(9) A new licensee who is scheduled to renew three (3) months or less from the date of original licensure will be issued a license through the next renewal cycle. B.Timeliness of ApplicationIf an application for renewal of license/registration is not administratively complete and postmarked by the date of expiration of the license/registration, the late fee shall be assessed.
4.Criteria for all other License/Registration RenewalsA. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may renew the license/registration of a physician other than an active permanent license who meets all of the following requirements:(1) Submits an administratively complete license/registration renewal application on forms approved by the Board;(2) Pays the appropriate license renewal fee and/or late fee (if any);(3) With the exception of Interstate Telemedicine Consultative Registration, affirms that the licensee has met the CME requirements. In the event that the required CME is not complete, the physician may request an extension of time for no more than six (6) months for prolonged illness, undue hardship, or other extenuating circumstances to complete the CME. The Board Secretary, Board Chair, or their designee has the discretion to grant or deny a request for an extension of time to complete the required CME credits; and(4) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of renewal of licensure as provided by law.(5) In the event that the Board delegates licensing decisions to Board staff and there is any question regarding the applicant's qualifications, Board staff shall consult with the Board Secretary, Board Chair, or their designee who may approve the application or defer action on the application to the Licensure Committee, which will make a recommendation regarding the application to the full Board.(6) A new licensee who is scheduled to renew three (3) months or less from the date of original licensure will be issued a license through the next renewal cycle.B.Timeliness of ApplicationIf an application for renewal of license/registration is not administratively complete and postmarked by the date of expiration of the license/registration, the late fee shall be assessed.
5.Process for Withdrawal of License or Withdrawal of an Application for LicenseA. A physician may request to withdraw a license by submitting an administratively complete renewal application which states the reason for requesting the withdrawal of the license.B. An applicant may request to withdraw their application for a license by submitting a written request which states the reason for requesting to withdraw the application.C. The Board staff may approve an application to withdraw a license where the Board has no open investigation or complaint regarding the applicant, and the applicant is in compliance with any active consent agreement or decision and order.D. The Board may grant or deny requests to withdraw a license or application for a license.6.Requirements for License ReinstatementA. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may reinstate a lapsed or withdrawn license of a physician who meets all of the following requirements: (1) Submits an administratively complete reinstatement application on forms approved by the Board;(2) Pays the appropriate reinstatement fee(s) and/or late fees (if any);(3) Provides a written statement explaining why he/she withdrew or allowed the license to lapse and a detailed listing of his/her activities since that time; (4) Meets the examination requirement; and(5) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of license reinstatement as provided by law.B. In the event that the Board delegates licensing decisions to Board staff and there is any question regarding reinstatement of the license, Board staff shall consult with the Board Secretary, Board Chair, or their designee who may approve the application or defer action on the application to the full Board.C. A physician whose license has lapsed or been withdrawn for more than five (5) years shall apply for a new license. D. The applicant's license may not be reinstated if the applicant has not provided evidence satisfactory to the Board of having actively engaged in the practice of medicine continuously for at least the past 12 months under the license of another jurisdiction of the United States or Canada unless the applicant has first satisfied the Board of the applicant's current competency by passage of written examinations or practical demonstrations as the Board may prescribe, including but not limited to meeting the continued clinical competency requirements of this rule.