02-373-1 Me. Code R. § 6

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
1.Administrative License
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue an administrative license to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate licensure application fee;
(3) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law.
B. Meets the same requirements for licensure as an applicant for an active status license with the exception that the applicant is not required to show that he/she has been engaged in the active clinical practice of medicine.
C. Renewal of Administrative License

A physician applying to renew an administrative license must pay the same fees and meet the same requirements for renewing an active status license, including the requirement for continuing medical education (CME).

2.Educational Certificate
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue an educational certificate to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate licensure application fee;
(3) Meets the education requirement;
(4) Provides documentation from the educational/residency program demonstrating enrollment, including the dates of the program;
(5) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law.
B.Educational Certificate Limitation

Educational certificates may only be issued for a specific residency program at a specific Maine hospital.

C.Educational Certificate Duration

Educational certificates may be issued for the duration specified by the Maine hospital's residency director for a period of up to seven (7) years.

D.Educational Certificate Expiration

Educational certificates shall automatically expire:

(1) On the date specified on the educational certificate, unless renewed; or
(2) On the date that the Board receives written notification from the director of the residency program at the hospital or the resident that the resident is no longer enrolled in that specific hospital's residency program.
(3) On the date that the Board receives written notification from the licensee that she/he is no longer employed or enrolled in that specific hospital's residency program.
3.Emergency 100-Day License
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue an emergency 100-day license to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate licensure application fee;
(3) Meets the education requirement;
(4) Meets the post-graduate training requirement;
(5) Meets the examination requirement;
(6) Provides a Letter of Need which describes the circumstances that make the candidate eligible for the license. Such letter shall be transmitted directly from the organization where the physician will be practicing under the emergency 100-day license.
(7) Holds a full and unrestricted license from another United States licensing jurisdiction at the time of the application, and maintains it for the duration of the emergency 100-day license.
(8) Has had no other license restricted, limited or otherwise disciplined in any other jurisdiction.
(9) Submits an application for a permanent medical license simultaneously with the application for the 100-day license.
(10) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law; and
(11) Demonstrates continuing clinical competency as required by this rule.
B.Emergency 100-Day License Limitations
(1) Emergency licenses may only be issued once to the same applicant and for a period not to exceed 100 calendar days.
(2) Emergency 100-day licenses may only be issued for a specific practice location.
(3) Emergency 100-day licenses automatically expire:
(a) On the date specified on the emergency 100-day license; or
(b) On the date that the Board receives written notification from the licensee that she/he is no longer employed at the specific practice location.
4.Emeritus License
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue an emeritus license to an applicant who:
(1) Currently holds an active or inactive license to practice medicine in Maine;
(2) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(3) Meets the education requirement; and
(4) Meets the post-graduate training requirement.
B. Conversion to Emeritus License Between Scheduled Renewal Dates A physician may convert an existing license to an emeritus license between scheduled renewal dates by filing an application with the Board. Upon receipt of an administratively complete application, the Board staff shall convert the existing license to an emeritus license. The biennial renewal date remains unchanged.
5.Inactive Status License
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue an inactive status license to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate licensure application fee;
(3) Meets the education requirement;
(4) Meets the post-graduate training requirement;
(5) Meets the examination requirement; and
(6) Has not completed the CME required for active license renewal and has not requested or been granted an extension of time to complete the CME; or
(7) Has not actively engaged in the practice of clinical medicine for at least three (3) of the twelve (12) months prior to the submission of the application.
B.Conversion to Inactive License Between Scheduled Renewal Dates

A physician may convert an existing license to an inactive license between scheduled renewal dates by filing an application with the Board. Upon receipt of an administratively complete application, the Board staff shall convert the existing license to an inactive license. The biennial renewal date remains unchanged.

6.Interstate Telemedicine Consultation Registration
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue an interstatetelemedicine consultationregistration to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate licensure application fee;
(3) Demonstrates that the applicant is a physician and is fully licensed without restriction to practice medicine in the state from which the physician provides telemedicine services;
(4) Meets the examination requirement;
(5) Has not had a license to practice medicine revoked or restricted in any state or jurisdiction; and
(6) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law.
B.Interstate Telemedicine Consultation Registration Limitations
(1) A physician registered pursuant to this section shall not:
(a) Open an office in this State;
(b) Meet with patients in this State;
(c) Receive calls in this State from patients; and
(d) Shall provide only consultative services as requested by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant licensed in this State who retains ultimate authority over the diagnosis, care and treatment of the patient.
7.Temporary License
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue a temporary license to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate licensure application fee;
(3) Meets the education requirement;
(4) Meets the post-graduate training requirement;
(5) Meets the examination requirement;
(6) Provides a Letter of Need which describes the circumstances which make the candidate eligible for the license. Such letter shall be transmitted directly from the organization where the physician will be practicing under the temporary license.
(7) Holds a full and unrestricted license in another state or Canadian province at the time of application, and maintains it for the duration of the temporary license.
(8) Has had no other license restricted, limited or otherwise disciplined in any other jurisdiction.
(9) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law; and
(10) Demonstrates current clinical competency as required by this rule,
B.Temporary License Limitations
(1) Temporary licenses may only be issued to the same applicant for a period not to exceed one (1) year. Once a licensee has held a temporary license or a combination of temporary licenses for one (1) year, she/he is no longer eligible for another temporary license.
(2) Temporary licenses may only be issued for a specific practice location.
(3) Temporary licenses automatically expire:
(a) On the date specified on the temporary license; or
(b) On the date that the Board receives written notification from the licensee that she/he is no longer employed at the specific practice location.
8.Youth Camp License
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue a youth camp license to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate licensure fee;
(3) Holds a full and unrestricted license in another state or Canadian province at the time of application, and maintains it for the duration of the temporary camp license;
(4) Has had no other license restricted, limited or otherwise disciplined in any other jurisdiction;
(5) Meets the examination requirement;
(6) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law; and
(7) Demonstrates continuing clinical competency as required by this rule.
B.Youth Camp License Limitations
(1) Youth Camp licenses are issued for a limited period.
(2) Youth Camp licenses may only be issued for a specific youth camp (practice location).
(3) Youth Camp licenses automatically expire:
(a) On the date specified on the Youth Camp license; or
(b) On the date that the Board receives written notification from the licensee that she/he is no longer employed at the specific youth camp (practice location).
9.Volunteer License
A. The Board, or if delegated, Board staff may issue a volunteer license to an applicant who:
(1) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(2) Pays the appropriate license conversion fee;
(3) Currently holds an active status license to practice medicine in Maine;
(4) If holding an inactive Maine medical license, must meet all the requirements for an active Maine medical license, including CME requirements as defined in this rule;
(5) Must acknowledge or certify that the applicant's practice will be exclusively and totally devoted to providing medical care to needy and indigent persons in Maine. The treatment of family, friends or acquaintances is not permitted under a volunteer license;
(6) Must acknowledge or certify that the applicant will not receive any payment or compensation, either direct or indirect, or have the expectation of any payment or compensation, for any medical services rendered;
(7) Reports all locations where he/she will provide volunteer services; and
(8) Provides to the Board a copy of a written agreement to provide volunteer services at every facility where services will be provided.
(9) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law.
B.Conversion to Volunteer License Between Scheduled Renewal Dates

When converting to a volunteer license between scheduled renewal dates, the physician shall follow the same procedure used to convert from an active license to an inactive license. The biennial renewal cycle remains unchanged.

C.Renewal of Volunteer License

A physician applying to renew a volunteer license must meet all requirements for renewing an active status license, including CME.

10.Permanent Medical License

This license authorizes a physician to practice clinical medicine and/or surgery and is generally renewable every two years.

A.Application Process
(1) Applications for a full medical license will be reviewed by the Board Staff. After review, a full license may be issued to an applicant who:
(a) Submits an administratively complete application on forms approved by the Board;
(b) Pays the appropriate licensure and registration fee to the Board;
(c) Meets the examination requirement;
(d) Has no cause existing that may be considered grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure as provided by law; and
(e) Demonstrates continuing clinical competency as required by this rule.
(2) Board staff may issue a full medical license to applicants who meet each criterion specified below, and report such actions at the next regular meeting of the Board.
(a) A positive review by the Executive Director or the Assistant Executive Director of the application that includes the following criteria:
(i) Each qualification for licensure has been clearly met and verified, and all issues or questions have been fully explained and documented;
(ii) All personal data questions, with the exception of telemedicine and practice location questions on the application have been answered "No"; and
(iii) The Board has received professional references regarding the applicant that are uniformly positive.
(3) Applications that do not meet the foregoing criteria as determined by the Executive Director or Assistant Executive Director will be referred to the Board Secretary, Board Chair or their designee. The Board Secretary, Board Chair or their designee may approve the application or refer the application to the Licensure Committee of the Board for review and recommendation of appropriate action to the full Board.

02-373 C.M.R. ch. 1, § 6