Section 322-2-11 - Application of the Professional Engineer Seal1. Each Licensee is authorized to obtain a seal of the size and design prescribed by the Board. The seal may be an embossed seal, a rubber stamp or an electronically generated image.2. Each Licensee is responsible for the proper use of the Licensee's seal.3. The Licensee's signature and the date must accompany the seal. Effective signature may be an electronic signature as defined by 10 M.R.S.A. Section9402.4. Sealed documents may be transmitted electronically.5. A seal shall be applied, signed and dated, including hardcopy or electronic versions, in the following cases:A. On all professional engineering plans, specifications, reports, or calculations prepared by or under the direction of the responsible licensed Professional Engineer; B. On all professional engineering plans, specifications, reports or calculations formally filed or offered for filing with any public body or agency; andC. On all professional engineering plans, specifications, reports or calculations formally submitted to contractors for bids or estimates, or when released for construction.6. A seal need not be applied in the following cases:A. On any professional engineering plans, specifications, reports or calculations which are prepared and clearly identified as "PRELIMINARY," "PROGRESS," or the like;B. On individual specification sections which are part of an integrated document assembled and sealed by another licensed engineer or licensed architect;C. On electronic files (such as CAD files) submitted as a deliverable to a client, IF the Licensee affixes a statement specifying the original date of issue and sealing, such as the following: "This document was originally issued and sealed by (Licensee Name, PE License #), on (Date of original sealing)"; orD. On administrative correspondence.7. Any licensed Professional Engineer may apply a seal on any plans, specifications, reports or calculations, provided such documents are prepared or reviewed personally by or under the supervision of that licensed Professional Engineer. By affixing his or her seal to any professional engineering document the licensed Professional Engineer takes full legal responsibility for it, regardless of whether the Professional Engineer receives any compensation.8. Licensees may accept assignments for coordination of an entire project, provided that each design segment is signed and sealed by the licensed professional responsible for preparation of that design segment.9. Where plans, specifications, reports or calculations are bound together, the application of the seal on the first sheet or page is considered sufficient if the intent is to cover the entire document, otherwise the first sheet must also include a statement of the number of sheets covered by each Licensee's seal.10. Any revision to a document containing the seal and signature of a Licensee shall be described and dated. If revisions are not done by original Licensee, the revisions must also be signed and sealed by the Licensee in responsible charge of those revisions.11. Licensees holding a Temporary License shall stamp all plans, specifications, reports or calculations with the seal of their home jurisdiction and write beneath that seal the Maine Temporary License number, along with their signature and the date.02-322 C.M.R. ch. 2, § 11